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ok so I purchased a saie lip balm     purchased it  and I looked under my comment   and it says I received it as a free promotion hogwash  why and when did this start I BUY  everything and NEVER  have received a promo   so why is Sephora writhing I received my sale lip balm as a trial    of anybody could answer that would be great   thank u 

Re: Saie

@tikotiko @When reviewing it did you accidentally check the received this as a free item/sample?

Re: Saie

hi   no  when I write a review on a product I have purchased you have 2 choices received as a free sample or I am a Sephora employee  those are the only 2 choices and of course I want to write a review on my purchase    

Re: Saie

@tikotiko @When you write a review they have the received as free item or Sephora employee boxes that are optional to select. You don’t have to check those boxes if you bought it yourself. I am thinking you clicked on received as a free item and that is why it’s showing up as that. 

Re: Saie

Hi @tikotiko,


I will send you a private message so I can look into this for you. Thanks! 


Best Wishes,



Re: Saie

that would be nice  because I have never received anything for FREE

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