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Kids at Sephora

Look, I know we are all fed up about the tweens going in Sephora. It is not just their fault but the parents too. I do want to say as a teen who is just a little bit older than those girls, I don't think it is fair to have an age limit, at least have a strict rule about the parents. I know that some cannot watch their kids very well, but give them a chance. 


TBH I don't have that much social media. I do have pinterest and it influenced my life in both positive and negative ways. Now being a teen, I am interested in skin care to help with my acne. Sure, I do want to use the trending products like Drunk Elephant, yet I don't have the money too. My parents make me pay for anything I want. Those are good parents. I think if more gen alpha parents were like that, and had their kids pay for the products, and don't let them have a phone maybe until 6th or 7th grade, like I did, I think the kids wouldn't be such a trouble. Also not letting them get exposed into social media is also good. 


Yet, it isn't just social media that is doing this. As a teen myself, my influence for the new trends is mostly the people around me.  It isn't just social media or pinterest in my case. If people would be more nice too, I think this would be a better experience for gen alpha's and the other teens out there. 


So parents out there, from teenagers currently, please be a little more strict, but not mean. 

Re: Kids at Sephora

100% Agree!

Re: Kids at Sephora

Yes parents should definitely be strict with what their kids can and cannot do but on the topic of sephora I think there should definitely be an age limit like 8-12 because I’ve seen some pretty crazy kids and even one who seemed to be 6 wearing nails, ravaging Sephora, and using/testing the drunk elephant products that have harmful ingredients for ppl who aren’t old enough 

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