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Post in Acne-Prone Skin

Period Skinc

my skin gets crazy around the time of my period with so much acne and oil. Is there anything I can do for that or use any products?

Re: Period Skinc


Re: Period Skinc

Hi @blush19


It's kind of hard to control hormones, but I'd recommend talking to your doctor or a dermatologist about it. I went on BC to help with mine and it's really made a difference for me. 


Right now to help with the hormonal acne I still do get I've been using Kate Somerville's EradiKate. It's super easy to use and has been really effective at downsizing and getting rid of pimples. (:


Re: Period Skinc

@blush19 -  I agree with @TrysBeautyItems - Seeing a Dermatologist is often the best way to go. I know that's sometimes annoying and expensive, but so is trying this, that and the other thing. 

It might help if you can describe where your breakouts occur and your age range, maybe more people will have thoughts about this.


I had acne as a result of medication, it was awful! So I feel your pain. I tried Murad and Proactive - many people have had success with these brands, they didn't do much for me. I got lucky with Philosophy Purity cleanser, and careful use of their Oxygen Peel (think the name has changed a few times, it's the one with capsules you open and mix the powder inside with water and follow instructions, I can give more details if you'd like.) I then used Hope in a Bottle after that (name changed too and they added SPF. 😟  My former HG. 😭 ) It's not great for me now since I use it at night, so I really don't need SPF. I miss it so much. **sigh** I can find the new name if you'd like and also the name of another Philosophy spot treatment product, just let me know if you're interested.

There's something else on the tip of my tongue, just can't think of the name, will come back if I remember. Different brand, peroxide based spot treatment.


The other thing is finding out what ingredients work best for your skin. For me, Salicylic Acid and Hydrogen Peroxide work well, products with sulfur....😒 my arch enemy! 😝 That's just a trial and error thing.

Kate Somerville has been getting high marks, but it depends on your budget.


So see what others post and consider the Dermatologist if possible. I wish you the best of luck, I know how upsetting this can be. Let me know if you want more info.


BTW, Step away from the Blemish extractor, particularly the ones with a Lance on the end, please, please, please don't go there. But, if you must use an extractor just remember to push/press down onto skin (like you're poking yourself or something, wish I had a better analogy) if you're dealing with a blackhead for instance. Don't drag it across your skin. (Does that make sense?) Plus keep it clean and use it on clean skin if you absolutely feel you must do this. Wishing you luck. 🍀


P.S. - Good chocolate if you crave it, it's a lifesaver! There are different schools of thought about that. I say go for it, in moderation if possible (I know that's not always doable at certain times) But it might make you feel a little better. 

**Chocolate Causing Acne....Fake News!! 😉 **


**Update- The other spot treatment I was impressed with is B. Kamins Blemish Gel 5% or 10%. The % refers to the amount of Benzoyl Peroxide in each product.

Re: Period Skinc

You can use the same products that you'd use to address oil and acne from other causes (I have hormonal acne and skincare has helped some), but that will only reduce the situation, not eliminate it. To actually get rid of hormonal acne your best bet is hormonal birth control. No (or reduced) hormone cycle = no (or reduced) acne. Talk to your gynecologist about it, they write scripts for that all the time. Also, it should be free on your insurance if you're in the US (at least for now), so it's a lot cheaper than trying a bunch of different skincare to see if something works for you.

Re: Period Skinc

It's hormones, you'll need to consult with a doc for options. I don't have hormonal acne, so can't speak to otc (otc only does so much)..someone should chime in.

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