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Motherhood, beauty, fashion and beyond

I wanted to make a post like this forever but in a blog. I know there are a few BICers on here pregnant at the moment.  Congratulations to @itscarin @myxducky @rockstargina @Mcakes 

I wanted a thread where we could talk about any pregnancy related concerns, help each other with baby gear or just talk about Pregnancy/Motherhood in general and answer any questions people had like potty training or where to shop for items. Or even provide ideas about baby gender or pregnancy announcements.

Re: Motherhood, beauty, fashion and beyond

For anyone that is pregnant or have been pregnant I would highly suggest looking into seeing a pelvic floor specialist.  I was doing research because I was working out regularly for the past 6 months.  I didn't know why my stomach would dome when I work out at times or why I would still have a pooch.  I thought maybe I have diastasis recti and wanted to get checked out.  My Doctor didn't think I had it and my OB didn't have a referral for one.  I was lucky to have found one somewhat close by me.  I love my PT and am working on healing my scar tissue from my two C Sections and working on improving my ab separation.

Re: Motherhood, beauty, fashion and beyond

@SportyGirly125 Congratulations!! Wishing you both health and happiness 😊



Re: Motherhood, beauty, fashion and beyond

@PinkEvergreen thank you

Re: Motherhood, beauty, fashion and beyond

Newest mini BIC member.  My daughter Natalie Marie. F221D5D3-C71C-4B1C-8DD3-FC6221F20242.jpeg



Re: Motherhood, beauty, fashion and beyond

@SportyGirly125 What a beautiful photo!  I just found this thread. My daughter, Lila is a 2019 baby too. She turned 2 last month. I hope toddlerhood is treating you well 😊. Since her birth, I definitely appreciate the importance of beauty sleep and a good under eye cream lol. 

Re: Motherhood, beauty, fashion and beyond

@mishanyc Thank you!  Congrats on your now 2 year old. I hear you on the eye cream and sleep.  It's definitely not easy chasing them around at this age.


Also, quite a few of us had babies in 2019.  It was an exciting year.

Re: Motherhood, beauty, fashion and beyond

Congrats on your beautiful girl @SportyGirly125 !

Re: Motherhood, beauty, fashion and beyond

@Brutalitops thank you 😊 

Re: Motherhood, beauty, fashion and beyond

Congratulations @SportyGirly125 She is absolutely adorable 💗💗💗

Re: Motherhood, beauty, fashion and beyond

@fatimamummy Thank you 😊 

Re: Motherhood, beauty, fashion and beyond

So sweet 💕💕💕 @SportyGirly125 

Re: Motherhood, beauty, fashion and beyond

@jen81 thank you 😊 

Re: Motherhood, beauty, fashion and beyond


Congratulations - she looks so precious!

Re: Motherhood, beauty, fashion and beyond

@Cyncynn thank you 😊 

Re: Motherhood, beauty, fashion and beyond

@SportyGirly125 She is so beautiful! Cute bow 🙂 

Re: Motherhood, beauty, fashion and beyond

@CC3616 thank you 😊 

Re: Motherhood, beauty, fashion and beyond

Congratulations @SportyGirly125 on your little SportyGirly 🙂 Beautiful and such a sweet photo, thank you for sharing!

Re: Motherhood, beauty, fashion and beyond

@eshoe Thank you so much. 

Re: Motherhood, beauty, fashion and beyond

@SportyGirly125 What a cutie! I love her bow 🙂 Congratulations!



Re: Motherhood, beauty, fashion and beyond

@RebeccaBT Thank you. 

120 Replies
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