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Post in Oh, Canada!

Boxycharm Updates For Canadians

So, I subscribed to Boxycharm in August for 3 months. Today, I was watching a facebook live event where they give all the tea about the new BC 2.0 and B.C. premium. They said that if I renewed before the 30th of sept. then I could get the old price of $21.00- U.S. They will convert into CAN dollars at the time of shipping. SO... I go to renew, to save the extra $4.00 that comes into effect in Oct. and  the shipping price has been increased to $30.00 from $15.00 !! So, my Canadian friends, beware before you click that accept button. If this is indeed the case, the BC boxes are just NOT worth it. Especially when you cannot pick everything that you want. Basically, for clarity, add 35%-40% (depending on rate of exchange) to the box price and then another $30.00 for shipping. So glad I saw that before I signed up for a year!!!


EDIT!!!---Please disregard. I did not understand that the shipping prices are for the ENTIRE term I had signed up for. 3 months=$15.00 U.S. for shipping!!! SORRY!!!

RE: Boxycharm Updates For Canadians

I have been searching for an alternative to Ipsy that won’t break the bank. But Ipsy has upped their game!! I was so impressed with my last bag I decided to stay. They let you choose an item now and they have add on one day a month they offer a list of sample size at $3 and full size at $12z I have been able to snag a Huda obsessions palett for $15 AND a dr Brant Microdermabrasion($102 at Sephora) for $12!!!! I almost fell out of my chair. I received it the other day and it is truly FULL SIZE!

Re: Boxycharm Updates For Canadians

I went onto my Boxycharm and I'm Canadian and I did not see that. I went to switch to a longer subscription or shorter and they still all say $5 USD a month.  So 1 month is $5 per month. 3 month subscription is $59 + $15 shipping ($5 per month) and so on. 


If you want premium they also charge $5 shipping a month, and that is a different box. 


Re: Boxycharm Updates For Canadians


I am, hopefully, on the waitlist for BC premium. I put my name in for waitlist, I think, about a week and a half (?) ago.That box is supposed to be $39.95 U.S. (?) I think. They said that if you get both the BC regular box and premium, you are not supposed to get duplicates either. I hope that is the case. Since you are an educated Charmer, do you know, if you sign up for premium, do you HAVE to get it every month? If not, do you go to the bottom of the list if you decide to not get it for a month here and there? That is something I did not hear an question or answer for on FB. 

 Also, is there anywhere that I can go online to sell or trade the things I do not want or will never use, in Canada, preferably in Ontario?? I have a ton of stuff that I will not use both from BoxyCharm and that I have bought over the summer. All stuff is new, though some I took out of the box and threw the boxes out, but never used at all. I am sorry if I confused anyone with this post, but I am new to BoxyCharm and really do not understand how it all works. 

Thanks again!!!

Re: Boxycharm Updates For Canadians

I have no idea if we have to get premium every month. I would like to try it for one month and then cancel or continue.  Big stakes riding on that first box.  I'm also wondering about keeping Boxycharm as I'm getting so many makeup items that are not in my colour interest area.  I'd just like to find a skincare box.  @kel70 

Re: Boxycharm Updates For Canadians

As far as I know, you don't have to get premium, it's just another option. To get the BoxyLuxe box, every 3 months, you have to subscribe to the regular box and just subscribing to the premium won't qualify you for Boxyluxe. So the answer to your question is you do not have to get the premium box every month. I've heard that there is quite the wait list for the premium box though. You are not supposed to get repeat items if you get both the regular and premium box every month. Also, I think if you go to your account, sign in and then go to the beauty quiz at the top of the page, on page 3 of the quiz, at the bottom of the page it has a section where you can pick what you would like in your box. For example, you can pick all makeup, some makeup/some skin care or all skincare, ect. Didn't you fill that beauty quiz out?  Also today the choice is open today and will close tonight or tomorrow. You can pick one of two items offered for the November box. I picked mine yesterday and they are both skin care products. An under eye serum($69.00) or a face serum ($105.00), I looked them up. Choice will close soon and you will get stuck with whatever they have left. To my understanding, if you sign up for a box before November 1st you will get the old price as they are increasing it Nov. 1 by $5.00, but you get 2 more items. They are also sending out a color quiz to take so that they can match your shade better. That's all I know for now, but if I hear anymore I'll let you know.

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