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Post in Gift Ideas

GIFT IDEAS… i need help!!!


So my friend just graduated nursing school and i RLLY want to get her something nice. She mentioned a couple of weeks ago that wanting to get a new perfume. I want to get her something she doesn’t have and wants. But my problem is that she doesn’t lean towards any specific category of scents. one time we were talking abt perfume and she said she judges based off scent not like if something is floral or has hints of vanilla. my cousin recommended miss dior but idk. thank you!!

Re: GIFT IDEAS… i need help!!!

A great gift idea is the Rare Beauty Selena Gomaze mini liquid highliter.

Re: GIFT IDEAS… i need help!!!

@Romaissa03 @I would get her a gift card. It’s really hard to judge if someone will like a certain perfume because it such a personal preference. 

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