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Post in Dry Skin

Dry flakey skin around nose



I have had this issue for months where on the right side of my nose it’s always super dry and will even get extremely flakey. I can provide a picture below 😅 I’ve tried cleansing, exfoliating and moisturizing and oils and nothing seems to do the trick 

Re: Dry flakey skin around nose

Skinfix changed my life! Try their eczema ointment! 

Re: Dry flakey skin around nose

exfoliating won't help. You have eczema, honey. I have the same thing around my nose. apply a lot of moisturizer and get yourself a good eczema cream (avene has a good one, it's not at sephora though). If the problem gets worse, go see a dermatologist.

Re: Dry flakey skin around nose

hiii! ive delt with this aswell, i recommend using aquaphor during nightly skincare in the spots that are super dry, it worked really well for me!

Re: Dry flakey skin around nose

@Lilyr982 I’m sorry you’re going through some irritation. @Ispend2much6‘s suggestion of hydrocortisone cream might help. You can get low dose versions over the counter at your local pharmacy. Use it sparingly as it can potentially thin out the skin wherever you apply it. If you find it helpful, consult with your doctor about what it might have been and how to deal with it in the future. Keep these photos and let them know what you tried. 

Other products that might help are Tower 28 Beauty Mini SOS Daily Rescue Facial Spray 1 oz/ 30 mL The Ordinary Azelaic Acid 10% Suspension Brightening Cream 

Both target redness and might help with the inflammation you’re experiencing.


One last option at least for dealing with symptoms is Blistex lip medix. It’s meant for lips but its cooling sensation might help bring you a little relief. If it doesn’t, just keep it as a nice lip balm. 

I hope you find relief soon!

Re: Dry flakey skin around nose

Do not use hydrocortisone or any type of steroid on your face!!!!!!!!

I have this same problem under the nose… nothing has worked, but several years ago I dealt with a face rash where I mistakenly applied a hydrocortisone corticosteroid on my face and it ruined my skin!!! It took ages to repair and I developed a dependency on it. It was so tender and just awful.


Sorry not to hate on above response but I saw the rec to use a steroid on the face and I highly highly recommend you do not! 

Re: Dry flakey skin around nose

@Lilyr982  I'm sorry you have to deal with that rash; it looks tender.


Whenever I have an irritation, I try three creams to see if any of them heal the rash: Neosporin, an antifungal cream, or hydrocortisone cream.  Not all at once, but one at a time.


I hope you're better soon!

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