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Post in Best Hair Ever

Moroccan Oil??

I've been using Moroccan Oil for years but have recently heard that it's bad for your hair. I've done a bit of research to learn more but have seen mostly mixed information which seems posted by users, not experts.


Does anyone know more info on this? Any recommendations for alternative products? 

Re: Moroccan Oil??

lyI am a cosmetologist in CT. I found using Moroccan Oil produced a over oily build up on clients, especially from using too much of the product. Keep in mind your hair is part of your body, it will change every few years due to age, pregnancy, medications and so forth, so a product that may have worked before, may not work now because your hair or scalp may have changed. I like to say our hair builds up an immunity to certain products over time. What exactly are you seeking for your hair? Can you describe your current hair type?

Re: Moroccan Oil??


“Experts” are usually affiliated with the brand therefore biased. It is hard to trust opinions in the beauty world. 
There are 5 different types of silicone in MO. Bare in mind, not all silicone is bad and a lot has to do with what ingredients the silicones are mixed with. 
You can do with that information as you please. 

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