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Your Own Celebrity Makeup Artist

Hello everyone!


After watching the Grammy's and Golden Globes awhile back I was thinking to myself.. "WOW I'd love to have her makeup artist to do my makeup!" and it got me thinking.. what about everyone else?


What is the one flawless celebrity/model/star who's makeup artist you would LOVE to have for a week? It can be anyone from Lady Gaga to Ke$ha to Rihanna, Joan Crawford, Boy George or Twiggy.  But who's makeup do you absolutely adore?


My pick is Adele. I'm not a crazy fan of hers, but her voice is very beautiful and her makeup always looks SPOT on and perfect. Lashes are definitely not easy to apply and the fact that she can pull of two that are perfectly in place each time and have that gorgeous defined yet not too intense eye makeup? I LOVE it!



And maybe Nikki Minaj's crazy pink lips and green eyeshadow for just ONE night haha 😉

Luv&Lipgloss, Diana

Re: Your Own Celebrity Makeup Artist

I love your pick. Adele looks beautiful on Vouge and she was the last celebrity look I tried to emulate! The last few were Angelina's cover on marie claire, Miranda Kerr's cheeks on the VS Elle issue, but my all time favorite celebrity makeup is J Lo's...Scott Barnes!

Re: Your Own Celebrity Makeup Artist

Kate Hudson.


Selena Gomez


Rachel McAdams


Carrie Underwood


Anonymous Insider

Re: Your Own Celebrity Makeup Artist

Hmmm... I've never really thought about which celeb's makeup styles I like the most.  I didn't even watch the Grammy's lol. 


I can say that I loved Kate Winslet's look in the Titanic.  She was stunning!  I wish I could meet the hair stylist.  He wouldn't even have to curl my hair lol.  The closest I'll get to anything like that will be over Spring Break.  Mom and I are going to the Titanic museum, and they have a special movie exhibit that includes the costumes (Rose's dresses!!) and one of the Heart of the Oceans that's valued at $250,000.  Celine Dion has the super expensive one.




Re: Your Own Celebrity Makeup Artist

Thanks for sharing everyone! You all made me think of so many other people who's makeup I'd love to have! A lot of the time it isn't even the person's natural beauty (sad to say!) but the artistry and skill their artist has to enhance and play up their most attractive features. As much as I love doing makeup on others, and doing my own I would certainly LOVE to have my own special artist! 🙂

Luv&Lipgloss, Diana
Anonymous Insider

Re: Your Own Celebrity Makeup Artist

Aw man this is hard...I'd have to say Eva Mendes...she always looks so **bleep** classy! Runner up is Gwen Stefani....her red lips are always perfectly in place and her skin is like porcelain..gorgeous!

Re: Your Own Celebrity Makeup Artist

My choices would be Gabriel Union and Garcelle Beauvais.  Both ladies are stunningly beautiful and always seem to have that glow.


 Gabriel Union.jpg





Re: Your Own Celebrity Makeup Artist

I always love Anne Hathaway and Scarlet Johannsens makeup, I also often enjoy Rachel McAdams.

Anonymous Insider

Re: Your Own Celebrity Makeup Artist

I love Kim Kardashian, Adele and Taylor Swift.  Their makeup always looks flawless yet natural. Smiley Very Happy





Re: Your Own Celebrity Makeup Artist

I love Lisa Eldridge -- I wish she would miraculously appear at my door every day! Same with Wayne Goss -- in addition to being super talented, he's very honest about products and what they can / can't do for you -- and he's also darling, which doesn't hurt 🙂


It's hard for me to view celebrities' makeup outside of their facial features / etc. -- for instance, I think Diane Kruger and Rachel McAdams always look stunning, but I think that has more to do with their genetics than their makeup artists. Their makeup always looks good, though. For me, I think a better example would be Jennifer Aniston -- I don't find her to be classically beautiful, but she always looks gorgeous, because everything about her really works. : )


Re: Your Own Celebrity Makeup Artist

I would definitely pick Kim Kardashian. Mario Dedivanovic makes her makeup flawless!!

Re: Your Own Celebrity Makeup Artist

I actually really enjoy Kat Dennings makeup look.  She always looks gorgeous and has some pop of color.



Re: Your Own Celebrity Makeup Artist

Whomever does Rooney Mara or Natalie Portman make up. Actually, I want a celebrity dermatologist/facial message-ist?


The thing is, I have the asian secret double eye lid, so anything that's applied to the lower half of my upperlid is invisible as soon as I open my eyes. All you see is top half of my eyelid pushing my eyelashes downward. And I'm pretty happy with my facial structure. The only thing is, I have big pore, temperamental skin, am easily stressed, so I need a dedicated derm and message person.

Re: Your Own Celebrity Makeup Artist

I would love to have Charlize Theron's makeup artist!  She always looks so polished and effortless. I love a great natural look that if you look closer, she is wearing makeup, but it's not obvious. Her hair stylist could come along too, that would suit me just fine also. lol My hair can always use some work.

Re: Your Own Celebrity Makeup Artist

I love Demi Lovato's new makup look. I would love a makeup artist that enhanced my natural beauty without covering it. I adore Demi Lovato's makeup in her most recent Seventeen shoot!

Re: Your Own Celebrity Makeup Artist

I would love to have Kim Kardashian’s makeup artist do my makeup! I absolutely love her makeup and her hairstyles too!!!! I always try to do makeup like hers or hairstyles….it’s so hard to get her look of course, but I would love to have her makeup artist for a week just to have her type of looks!!!!!


Kim Kardashian Kim Kardashian attends the Evening Sherri Hill Spring 2012 fashion show during Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week at Trump Tower Grand Corridor on September 13, 2011 in New York City.

Anonymous Insider

Re: Your Own Celebrity Makeup Artist

@Diana I LOVE Adele's makeup. It's very glamourous, yet subtle and classic. Her lashes always look so stunning too!


@ntailor I adore the Kardashian's makeup artist, Joyce Bonelli! She's very talented and always keeps the Kardashian women looking beautiful. She has posted on several different occassions the products that she uses on them, which is very helpful for those looking to get that flawless Kardashian look.


I respect so many celebrity artists and the looks that they've created, which is what makes this so difficult. I really love Raquel Reed's makeup, she's a New York socialite who does a little bit of everything (modeling, she has a burlesque show, and she's a professional makeup artist)...her biggest 'claim to fame' was being Jeffree Star's ex-best friend. If I had to pick anyone to be my own personal artist it would be her. I adore her style and the different beauty looks that she put together are very 'pinup-esque', she's definately not fearful of loud colors.


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