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Post in Besides Beauty

What are things “besides beauty” that are beautiful?

This thread is dedicated to what beauty encompasses ill start. 

Beauty is Kindness. 
I will tag the next person who id love to see there answer, once they respond, I would love for them to tag someone else 😊😊😊

@CynthieLu 💕 @itsfi 💕 @JoSometimes 💕 @CorgiMommy 💕 @sister13 💕 


Anyone can get this started its hard to tag but i have you all in mind 🫶

Re: What are things “besides beauty” that are beautiful?

Shoutout @danielledanielle for the tag here! A few things come to mind here! Sorry if there are any duplicates 🙈


1. When the outfit you had planned in your mind actually turns out as good once you put it on!

2. Baby G’s big gummy smile when he wakes up from his naps (he’s always in the best mood when he wakes up, and this smile has definitely made some of the longer nights easier)

3. When you bake something and it looks like it could be right out of a cookbook

4. Being in love

5. That first swatch of a new product (bonus points for if its glittery!)


Sorry if you’ve been tagged already, but adding @lmaster @QueenMarceline 💖

Re: What are things “besides beauty” that are beautiful?

All of these are so beautiful and so beautifully written too! @cianni 

Re: What are things “besides beauty” that are beautiful?

Thanks for the tag @Sunnysmom and the thoughtful thread @peculiarzmakeup !


  • Sitting outside and listening to the night without any sounds of traffic or people.
  • Waking up and the house is quiet
  • When your first cup of coffee is *just right* and you get to enjoy it slowly all the way to the last drop.
  • When a book you’ve been waiting for for months fulfills all your expectations. 
  • When you have a craving and get to fulfill it and it’s everything you were thinking it was going to be.
  • The way my dogs look at me when they’re sleeping and I pet them.
  • When my house is all decorated for Christmas and it feels extra cozy.
  • When you’re at the beach just laying on a hammock listening to the waves, feeling the breeze, under some palm trees, and it feels like you’re floating. 
  • When you hear a song and you get actual chills. 
  • Getting a really, really good hug.
  • When it rains and all the desert flowers bloom at once. 

Re: What are things “besides beauty” that are beautiful?

What a wonderful list , yes yes @makeitup305 ! We all also have so many terrific ideas to quiet our minds when needed! 💞

Re: What are things “besides beauty” that are beautiful?

these are all so beautiful I love the first one it truly is so peaceful! And these are all wonderful. Thanks for sharing 🫶❤️ @makeitup305 

Re: What are things “besides beauty” that are beautiful?

Ok I like this theme a lot @peculiarzmakeup . Things that have been making me smile recently are


  • when my dog sits on my feet and looks at me
  • waking up early and the house being silent
  • simple skincare
  • a glass of milk
  • taking time to find a good book and finish it ( I just read the strange case of dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde)
  • my dogs new sweater that just arrived (he got a hair cut and was cold)
  • making good cups of hot cocoa
  • sitting in a room with my family in happy silence 
  • and watching a team score a 3 pointer during march madness!

Re: What are things “besides beauty” that are beautiful?

Oh, yes the house one! @gennysskin 

Re: What are things “besides beauty” that are beautiful?

These are so lovely! And aw I can only imagine how cute the pup sweater is. Amazing 🤩. Thanks for sharing these reading these and everyone’s answers is so peaceful! ☺️ @gennysskin 

Re: What are things “besides beauty” that are beautiful?

These are so perfect @gennysskin ! 💞

Re: What are things “besides beauty” that are beautiful?

Thank you for the tag @JoSometimes @danielledanielle 



Things that are beautiful to me:


  • Empowering yourself and other women whether that's physically, mentally, spiritually
  • Standing up against the grain, speaking your truth 🫡
  • Women supporting women: choices, beliefs, culture, actions (I mean men too, I'm not sexist 😂)
  • Lending a helping hand to strangers (my friends think this is how I'll get kidnapped and featured on true crime)
  • Accepting your flaws as beauty and using it to advantage (I mean I draw on my freckles and refuse to remove my sun spots no matter how much my Asian mom begs me to)
  • Saying "no" even if it's hard
  • My stomach rolls and my beer pouch
  • My cats, Pitobeans and Ditaloaf
  • My baby Brayden, VW GTI 🚘 😂😂😂😂


Re: What are things “besides beauty” that are beautiful?

People who love animals and keep pets, especially those who rescue them from a shelter, are the most beautiful to me.

Re: What are things “besides beauty” that are beautiful?

LOL to the stomach rolls and beer pouch @jaaayp . They are my nemesis!

Re: What are things “besides beauty” that are beautiful?

How can they be @Loretta55 !!! They keep my beer warm and expand to hold on the beer I love 😂😂😂 I say we were just born into the wrong generation where we are encouraged to be a certain way but stomach rolls and beer pouch was a sign of wealth!

Re: What are things “besides beauty” that are beautiful?

@jaaayp Awww…you are making me miss my VW GTI. 

Re: What are things “besides beauty” that are beautiful?

Don't tell me you traded it for a tesla!!! @SportyGirly125 

Re: What are things “besides beauty” that are beautiful?

@jaaayp Hahaha. I had 2 because someone ran into me after getting it the first time (only had it for 4 months). Then the one I had I eventually sold it to my brother’s friend. Then I got a Lexus IS, 2 Acura RDX (had kids), then a Tesla. I got mine when I graduated college in 2006. 

Re: What are things “besides beauty” that are beautiful?

Those are some fine car choices @SportyGirly125 👏👏👏 except for the tesla... LOL JKJK I just can't seem to get onboard with everyone else!

Re: What are things “besides beauty” that are beautiful?

@jaaayp Haha. Trust me it wasn’t an easy choice. I got it right before gas prices in California hit almost $6/gallon. It has plus and minus benefits like being able to go into the carpool by myself when there is traffic and not having to go to the gas station. 

Re: What are things “besides beauty” that are beautiful?

I can see that @SportyGirly125 I still pump $6/gallon in my GTI LOLOL although I think it's like $5.50 rn 😂😂😂

Re: What are things “besides beauty” that are beautiful?

@jaaayp  I really loved reading your answers! 😊🙌

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