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The Llama Thread

Because llamas are awesome!IMG_1269.JPG


Re: The Llama Thread

What a generous gift from the super sweet @Beadshopgirl! I hope you enjoy all these treats @ZombieMetroAnt 🙂 

Re: The Llama Thread

Oh wow!   What a fun, generous and llamarific gift!   How cool that the jewelry will help your perfume last longer!   Love it!!!   ❤️❤️❤️  @ZombieMetroAnt


Beautiful gift!  @Beadshopgirl❤️❤️❤️

Re: The Llama Thread

Wow, I missed out on some serious llama llove the last few weeks!  It's been fun reading through this thread!   Llove you guys llots! ❤️



Re: The Llama Thread

OK, let's try again.  Here are the alpaca and llama pics I took yesterday plus a few extra.




3 alpacas - I petted the one in front.3 alpacas - I petted the one in front.



Alpaca family - baby nursing.Alpaca family - baby nursing.



Llama dad - I am the King!Llama dad - I am the King!



Llama dad & babyLlama dad & baby



Llama mom & babyLlama mom & baby



Llama momLlama mom



3 cute bunnies I petted (not my hand) - incredibly soft!3 cute bunnies I petted (not my hand) - incredibly soft!






Tote bagTote bag



These two baby sheep were playing through the fence.These two baby sheep were playing through the fence.



This is the black baby sheep from the previous pic - he was pulling on the bucket chain...too cute!This is the black baby sheep from the previous pic - he was pulling on the bucket chain...too cute!



I love sheep!  There are shearing demos over the two-day event.I love sheep! There are shearing demos over the two-day event.



3 more sheep!3 more sheep!



And let's not forget the hair hog!And let's not forget the hair hog!



I really liked the way this vendor laid out their booth.  I wanted one of every color!I really liked the way this vendor laid out their booth. I wanted one of every color!



Same vendor; table to the right.  They use all-natural dyes such as plants.Same vendor; table to the right. They use all-natural dyes such as plants.


Re: The Llama Thread

@Titian06 This is so cool I wish that we could all go! 

Re: The Llama Thread

@Titian06 Those llamas and bunnies look so adorable! Thank you for the pictures 🙂

Re: The Llama Thread

OMG!   The baby llamas!!!! ❤️ 


Did you get to pet them?   @Titian06

Re: The Llama Thread

@Tamara76 - I was able to pet an alpaca.  I asked the owner if I could.  He held the alpaca while I petted.  He said they're skittish.  I didn't see an owner around the llama area and I didn't want to reach in without knowing their temperment.  I wanted to know if they really had knives in their fur!  😄

Re: The Llama Thread

Awwww!  How fun!  💗💗💗.  @Titian06

Re: The Llama Thread

That looks like so much fun! @Titian06 I especially love all that beautiful yarn and the llama ornament!

Re: The Llama Thread

@Beadshopgirl - It was!  There were three HUGE tents with two aisles in each, vendors on each side of the two aisles (so four rows of vendors), and between tents two and three there was a tent-size gap with vendors along the side of the two tents, plus the smaller tent for the animals, the food wagons, and the herding dog and ducks.  I got there just as the dog was herding the ducks into the pen.  That exhibition is so fun!  If you've never seen a herding dog herd, it should be on your bucket list.  Oh, did I mentioned all of this takes place on a dairy farm!  The choices were overwhelming!  I picked up tons of business cards.  Aisles of knitting and weaving yarn and thread, tons of roving for spinning, miscellaneous do-dads for knitting, weaving, spinning, and other fiber arts as well as jewelry, bead, button, basket, and wood arts vendors.  The local knitting, weaving, and traditional rug hooking guilds were there too.


One of the organizations that comes every year has something to do with "creative anarchy" and dresses in medieval costumes.  Turns out one of the members is a work associate!  She works in a different organization, but I work directly with her on certain projects, but we can do everything through e-mail.  A few years ago we starting chatting more socially and she told me about this event she was going to be doing that particular weekend.  I said something about do you mean such and so and that's how we discovered our mutual interest.  So the fiber festival is our annual face-to-face meeting.

Re: The Llama Thread

Hi, all!  I am soooo frustrated!  I want to post the pictures of the llamas and alpacas I took at the fiber festival in a spoiler.  I've been trying for at least an hour.  First this sad excuse for texting software wouldn't let me, so I posted some pictures in the body of the message, but that took up way too much room.  However, it did allow me to put a spoiler in a spoiler, yet it won't accept my pics...what's with that?  I finally got the pics in the spoiler, but it wouldn't let me delete the pics in the message body!  I finally deleted the entire post.  I'll try again tomorrow--I'm too irritated to think rationally.  I want to let you llama loves know that I did take pics of the llama family that was there.  @NotCrocker I also got to pet an alpaca!  I would never have asked the owner if you hadn't asked about that.  Thanks!  🙂

Re: The Llama Thread

@Titian06 I am SO THRILLED that you asked and got to pet an alpaca! What an amazing experience! 

Re: The Llama Thread

@NotCrocker - If you've ever felt alpaca yarn, that is exactly what the alpaca fur felt like!  I was totally surprised.  I thought it would be soft, but rougher and that the processing is what made the yarn so soft.

Re: The Llama Thread

Oh no! Looking forward to seeing your pics later @Titian06. The site is so screwy; I don't think anyone will mind if you post them without a spoiler. 

Re: The Llama Thread

Saw this while at the checkout yesterday at JCP - I was about to open it but the cashier called the next guest (i,e, me) and was already getting the stink eye from everyone else behind me...I'm glad I got to snap this pic, though. Heart




Re: The Llama Thread

I can't believe you didn't buy it @ZombieMetroAnt! It's amazing!

Re: The Llama Thread

I am ashamed @Beadshopgirl 😔 

oooh I want that!

oooh I want that!

Re: The Llama Thread


Re: The Llama Thread

@lmi82 - That's what it looked like to me too, but my brain kept saying, "No it's not, stupid!"  Yet my brain couldn't figure it out.  It should be one of those psychology "what do you see" pictures.  😄

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