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HOw to "shower" at work without a shower... Ideas?

So I just learned that as a benefit at work we can take 3 hours a week to workout. I'd like to come in early and run - because I run best in the morning and usually can't fit it into my schedule. My work day starts at 0600 and I leave for work at 0530. If I run I have to be ready to work at 0700. I'm thinking since I can skip getting ready at home I can actually arrive a bit before 0600 and get a little more time for my workout.


Anyhow - my question is - there are no locker room facilities available to me. I can wash my hair really quick in the bathroom sink and put it up wet. Beyond that - suggestions for how to clean up and not be too gross for the day, or use dry shampoo. The bathrooms are single use and private - so I can strip down or whatever without anyone walking in on me.


What quick get-ready tips do you have? How do you deal with your hair and working out?


Many thanks!

Re: HOw to "shower" at work without a shower... Ideas?

 Hi @annekevdb


You might be familiar with the "swimmer" towels if you've done triathlons, but if not, these are awesome! They are pretty small (about the size of a hand towel) and basically act like a sponge - you can get them really wet to rinse and then completely squeeze out the water to dry off. Then, you just roll it up and pop it in your gym bag. I was a swimmer in high school and college and these were life savers! I assume you can probably purchase them online at a swim retailer 🙂 

Stay Fabulous,

Re: HOw to "shower" at work without a shower... Ideas?

@annekevdb There's some other brands that sell deodorant like the ones posted below. Whush and Ban that I know of. Ban is drugstore so if you need to buy a bunch it might be the most economic option. They also sell no rinse shampoo and soap. They're targeted for people who are bedridden.

Re: HOw to "shower" at work without a shower... Ideas?

Thank you!

Re: HOw to "shower" at work without a shower... Ideas?

Is it mandatory to arrive at work before you work out? Maybe you can just work out before you leave and consider that your 1 hour of exercise. As long as you get there for 7 it shouldn't be a problem.

Another option to consider is working out during your last hour, so that you can just go home and shower afterwards.

If those aren't options for you, baby wipes might work- that's what they give to hospital patients to use when they're not able to shower, I think.

Re: HOw to "shower" at work without a shower... Ideas?

Yes, I have to sign in at my regular work time, 0600. If I go after work I have to return and sign out at the end of my regular work time. I'm actually going to try getting in even before 0600, since I won't be showering at home, so I'll have more time to exercise. But it is mandatory to to sign in and out. Basically they want to prevent people from saying they are using the time to exercise but instead just coming in late or leaving early. 

Re: HOw to "shower" at work without a shower... Ideas?

How much are you going to sweat?  I go for runs in the summer and I don't sweat that much.  I try to towel off and then call it a day.  If you're just doing light exercise I wouldn't bother with washing your hair.  Keep your hair off our face and off the back of your neck and you should be fine.  I put my hair in dutch braids to keep it clean(er).  I also make sure my work clothes are cotton.  Being able to wash everything afterwards is crucial!

Re: HOw to "shower" at work without a shower... Ideas?

Oh I sweat a ton. My plan is to put in at least 3-4 miles each time. I get gross and stinky. I do triathlons so don't do muc hbthst qualifies as light exercise. I'm actually excited because this lets me work in 3 more hours of training each week 😜

Re: HOw to "shower" at work without a shower... Ideas?

I really like the YUNI sheets. They are very refreshing and they have a line of products just for after working out. These are the products I have bought and really like. @annekevdb

Re: HOw to "shower" at work without a shower... Ideas?


I don't know why pics didn't show up, but the links will take you to them. Here are just pics 🙂








Re: HOw to "shower" at work without a shower... Ideas?

@annekevdb, I definitely second these! I haven't used them personally but I have a friend who does and she absolutely love them. I've hung out with her after she sweat up a storm and I can say she certainly didn't smell like it. 😉


Re: HOw to "shower" at work without a shower... Ideas?

Thank you - I will check them out!


Re: HOw to "shower" at work without a shower... Ideas?

You're Welcome!

Re: HOw to "shower" at work without a shower... Ideas?

does the bathroom have a floor drain? if so, leave a jug at work and voila!!


or get real fancy and buy a camping shower-bag

Re: HOw to "shower" at work without a shower... Ideas?

No floor drain. I'm thinking I could stand on a towel and do a wash clothing wash up. Maybe.

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