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Sephora Favorites Sets : share your thoughts, questions and pics

a place to post about all things Sephora Favorites sets: past, present and future. Have a question, please ask.  Have a review, please post.  Have pics, please show us. These sets are one of my favorite things about shopping at Sephora. I get to try a bunch of products for a lower price and always end up finding some HG items. 


Today, I got the Sephora Favorites: Beauty on the Fly. It was $42 plus ebates was at 8%.  For me, I've either been wanting to try all of these items, or have tried and really like them. 


More pics and thoughts in the first post. 





Re: Sephora Favorites Sets : share your thoughts, questions and pics

@niki172 I placed my order around 1:45EST and got the sent to warehouse/shipping notification about  an hour ago. Hope you get yours soon. 

Re: Sephora Favorites Sets : share your thoughts, questions and pics

@Elles117 I ordered less than 10 minutes after you so hopefully I got it in time- sometimes it seems like it can run a little slow when it comes to an update. Still can't believe how fast this sold out - crazy 😄

Did anyone that has received a shipping confirmation/sent to warehouse status order the Too Cool for School egg mousse? I'm wondering if possibly since that's a ship via ground item if that's why I may be hung up...

Re: Sephora Favorites Sets : share your thoughts, questions and pics

@niki172 I placed my order at 10:20am central time and it has not been sent to warehouse yet. 

Re: Sephora Favorites Sets : share your thoughts, questions and pics

Thanks @imlostagain - that's just sad. They must have really had a run on this set. Usually orders are sent to the warehouse in 2 minutes of ordering. Well hopefully someone will get a sent to the warehouse status or better yet shipping confirmation.

Re: Sephora Favorites Sets : share your thoughts, questions and pics


When I ordered this this morning there were no hearts by it to add to loves list, so I was shocked to come home from work and see that no one has had it shipped. My orders are also sent within minutes to the warehouse. Hope they fix this soon!!

Re: Sephora Favorites Sets : share your thoughts, questions and pics

@imlostagain - I'm glad you got a shipping confirmation - I'm still in "makeup purgatory". I really hope this has a resolution soon (in my favor).

Re: Sephora Favorites Sets : share your thoughts, questions and pics

Talk about under the gun - it finally let me check out on the desktop site AND add a promo (thanks alot CS). Wow I cut that one close - surprised it went that quickly.

Re: Sephora Favorites Sets : share your thoughts, questions and pics

The bag itself is gone. I had a whole set picked out, and all of the skincare was in stock, just the bag part was OOS. Maybe they're fixing a bug with it?



Re: Sephora Favorites Sets : share your thoughts, questions and pics

I feel like I am stupid... I am trying to add the customization kit and have 5 items selected. In my cart it shows them all ($20 ea) plus the bag for $25 (so 6 items total) and is giving me a "discount" for a total of  $45. If I cut it down to 4, it goes down to $25--- but we are supposed to get 5 items?

Re: Sephora Favorites Sets : share your thoughts, questions and pics

image.jpegIt looks like there's a new Sephora Favorites skincare set up. Soko to Tokyo where u can customize your bag based on your skincare needs. There's 5 of 13 products to choose from. image.jpegI apologize if this was posted already but I didn't see it up here. 

Re: Sephora Favorites Sets : share your thoughts, questions and pics

Doesn't let you use a promo code with this as it sees the $100 "off" as the promo - even called CS and was told no promo code SMH. I want this enough to purchase without being able to use a promo code, but this still stinks.

Re: Sephora Favorites Sets : share your thoughts, questions and pics

You can use a $25 promo code but not a $35 promo code even though the amounts add up to over $35 before it takes the discount off

Re: Sephora Favorites Sets : share your thoughts, questions and pics

Just tried it, definitely let me add a promo code.

Re: Sephora Favorites Sets : share your thoughts, questions and pics

I was able to... The discount appeared automatically so I could still use a code

Re: Sephora Favorites Sets : share your thoughts, questions and pics

I can use a promo code?


I'm not sure why you can't ;-;

Re: Sephora Favorites Sets : share your thoughts, questions and pics

Wow, that's some BS right there 😕

Re: Sephora Favorites Sets : share your thoughts, questions and pics

Yay!  Not sure what to get, I know I'll order multiple times if it sticks around for awhile. What is everyone ordering? I've been wanting to try the hot/cold pack. 

Re: Sephora Favorites Sets : share your thoughts, questions and pics

I'm sure I'll be ordering it multiple times too @laketom lol. I've been trying to check out but the price isn't adjusting yet 😕 Hope they fix this soon! Not going to pay $125 for samples 😛

Re: Sephora Favorites Sets : share your thoughts, questions and pics

Hi @Mcakes When I hit check out my price drops.  Maybe delete the cart and try again.  Hope that works.  🙂

Re: Sephora Favorites Sets : share your thoughts, questions and pics

Aha so that's the trick! Thanks for the assist @jen143xo 😉 Also let's not forget we can redeem higher buy in promos for these orders! 

Re: Sephora Favorites Sets : share your thoughts, questions and pics

Ohhhhhhhh I love this....(this is the sound of money burning a hole into my pocket)


I so wish Sephora did more of these where we could pick the items.....I just think it adds more fun and temptation to buying these sets!

Happy shopping to all!

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