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Post in Beauty Confidential

BeautyTalk Yearbook

As you may have noticed, we are planning major upgrades to our community. In a couple of days you will see exactly what we have been hinting at! We are incredibly excited and think that this transformation will make our community even better and easier to use. One of the major updates we are making is that we are sunsetting the name BeautyTalk and making way for the new Community experience. We are super sad to see our beloved BeautyTalk go, but we’ll still have all of the same content and people that make this community awesome, and that’s what really matters.


While we are thrilled, we totally understand that change can be scary, so we wanted to take a moment to reflect on all of the goodness we’ve experienced here on BeautyTalk over the years.


We’re creating this thread to serve as a “yearbook” of sorts to share your favorite BeautyTalk memories. We don’t do it enough so let’s take a moment to share why we love this community, our fondest memories, and all the hilarious memes. 🙂 


And all you beautiful Hall of Famers who received your custom Bite lippie, you can post your pics here too, we’d love to see them.


We love you and are so excited for the journey ahead!
Katie, Candace and the entire Sephora Community Team

Re: BeautyTalk Yearbook

Been around for years, but mostly a lurker.  I remember from early days seeing meagboho, LariTheLoud , greenporchlights , etc.  Not long after I started, I received a gift from @notcreative .  I just couldn't believe that there were people out there that would send you high end makeup for nothing.  BT is an amazing community!  One of my favorite memories is when people would start arguing over something and people would insert gifs, memes, etc.  My absolute all-time favorite was from @heartsmyface responded to someone's Michael Jackson's popcorn picture with an evil little raccoon with his paws together saying he was there to steal Michael Jackson's popcorn.  I don't know why, but to this day, I still think it was hilarious!

Re: BeautyTalk Yearbook

I have more than I could ever use, so I like gifting things to others. Hope you liked it. I remember that meme, too. Hearts always makes me laugh, especially with the aardvark pictures she loves so much. The memes posted at times of tension always made me smile.

Re: BeautyTalk Yearbook

I've been with this lovely group since early 2010, it doesn't seem that long at all! I am in awe of all the kindness and togetherness in this group of wonderful ladies, there doesn't seem to be any other group, beauty or not, that cares so much for it's members. I've had a blast with the TSB's, RAOK and the Snack Exchange, it's such fun to learn a bit more about friends and to shop for someone who shares my love of makeup. I've made some awesome friends along the way and feel blessed to be a part of this loving community.


Here's my first avatar, I had a friend who does graphics design one that sort of looks like me, except I have bangs now and a bit of grey lol!


red head avatar195.jpg

Re: BeautyTalk Yearbook

@prettyinpaI remember that avi! Now we are twinsies! 😄

Re: BeautyTalk Yearbook

Hi guys! In about 5 minutes we're going to do a restart for a couple of minutes while we prepare for launch (eee!). Don't freak out, it's normal. 🙂 

Re: BeautyTalk Yearbook

Everyone find your buddy and hold hands!

Re: BeautyTalk Yearbook

*grabs @michelleshops*

Re: BeautyTalk Yearbook

Omgomgomg!!! Here it commmmmes!

Re: BeautyTalk Yearbook

I know I have reviews from 2009 ish but I don't think I started hanging out on BT until 2011 ish? I have always loved makeup! Unfortunately, around 2011 I had to get rid of all of my makeup and start over so I came here looking for recommendations and I ended up getting way more sucked in than I ever was before, haha. Thanks for all the enabling, everyone!! Heart

Re: BeautyTalk Yearbook

I want to add my yearbook photo!  I was a lurker for ages.  I'm so glad I finally took the plunge and started posting.  Y'all have changed my world!


Another great memory for me is participating in all the challenge threads.  I'm not terribly talented but it was loads of fun!  Also @ShannonAlexis and @lylysa crazy quiz threads.  I still don't know what I would take on a deserted island or if I would rather apply my makeup for a week only with the hand I do not predominately use OR have a different stranger a day for a week do your makeup for me?

Re: BeautyTalk Yearbook



I don't remember why I created a BT account.  I think I was lurking when one day someone asked a question that I felt compelled to answer.


See you on the other side...

Re: BeautyTalk Yearbook

I will never forget you were one of the first people who responded to my post about skin issues and gave me the impression the community was so nice. 🙂

Re: BeautyTalk Yearbook

Hi hi. So, I have been here for some time now. I can't for the life of me remember how I ended up on this gem of a site, but I vaguely remember one of my first posts being lips swatches for the UD Revolution lipsticks when they launched some time ago!


When I first came to this community I would just casually post and try to answer questions from fellow BTers. I remember being SOOOO impressed with @lylysas infinite knowledge haha. After a bit some new users joined and I obsessively stalked them and called them pretty until they were my friends 😉


Member since: apparently forever, Sephora just merged together my bday and the earliest year the forum stuff existed into my start date lol


Screen Shot 2017-07-11 at 9.55.46 AM.png



Aaaaand here is what my very first BT picture was (I think). A lip swatch of UD Shame!



Re: BeautyTalk Yearbook

I started using BT the end of November 2015.  I found a place where I can take part in discussing my passion for skin care and makeup without any worries of being judged by others and for that, Thank You BT!  


Too many favorite times on BT to list, but I've enjoyed learning about products, hearing honest, real reviews, seeing everyone's amazing pictures, mermaids & unicorns, participating in the occasional dance party, and of course the llamas.  


I look forward to our new community as I'm sure it will continue to be a fun place where we can all share everything we know, love and appreciate about beauty.

Re: BeautyTalk Yearbook

Here's mine.

Screen Shot 2017-07-11 at 9.50.26 AM.png

I created an id back in Spring 2014 to write a review of a UD liner set and at the time I didn't even know BT existed. 🙂


I'm not sure how I stumbled onto BT (probably clicking on the old Advice link) but at the end of that summer I popped over. I couldn't tell you what my first post was about, but I remember the people I first started chatting with were super friendly (thanks @jozkid @LariTheLoud @notcreative and @vegchililover78 in particular for making me feel welcome from the very beginning)


For nostalgic purposes, one of my first photos; 


I found BT when I was going through a lot of big changes in my life and I will always be thankful for all of the friends I've made here. 


Some of the special memories that stand out for me would be the fun I had running a few rounds of TSBs and participating in others. Also organizing round after round of gift exchanges helped me get to know a wider group of BT members than I probably would've otherwise. Getting a chance to meet a few local BT'ers in person is pretty up there, too 😉


And I'd be remiss if I didn't mention some of the awesome acts of generosity I've witnessed. Early on I participated in an ELF exchange and my elf flaked out and disappeared from the boards. Another kind soul ( @spotspotcat) went out of her way to send me a gift when she found out I'd received none. ❤️  


On the flipside, every time I think back to how many ladies banded together to help me crowdfund a replacement item for Njattana when a trade with someone didn't materialize - it reminds me of just how many lovely, supportive and caring ladies we have in this community.  ❤️


In the 3 years I've been here, I've witnessed several shifts, as groups and mods come and go, and board vibes change. I'm looking forward to seeing how the new features improve our BT experience and I hope that they help to make the new BIC a positive space.


Lastly, special shoutouts to my favourite mods past and present who've helped make BT what it is: KevinBT, RandeeBT, DaniBT, CandaceBT, KatieBT!


Re: BeautyTalk Yearbook


Image result for hugs gif

Re: BeautyTalk Yearbook

I remember that picture. You were a bright addition to BT from the beginning, and I am happy I met you here. Your lips and eyelids are perfect for makeup modeling, so I always enjoy seeing your photos. 


Randee will always hold a special place in my heart. I wish she made an announcement that she was leaving, so we could have given her a special sendoff. 

Re: BeautyTalk Yearbook

I remember that for the replacement! Glad you had started that crowdfund @Mochapj 🙂

Re: BeautyTalk Yearbook

I started using this a few months ago so it changing quickly after is probably my biggest memory. 😜  I look forward to the improvements. 

Re: BeautyTalk Yearbook

I apparently joined 6 years ago, but mostly posted reviews first. I'm not sure when I started lurking, but I believe I started posting regularly in 2014. I remember the Dior Rouge promo disaster clearly. 


I have mostly good memories of BT, but one that stands out in particular is when a promo I was looking forward to was missing from my order. Another's poster very kindly sent me one of hers @Rhiannon1419. It was a very unexpected kindness that I really appreciated. 


(The item? That generously sized bottle of Stella body lotion from the holiday promo calendar in 2914. Anyone's remember that? I still love the scent of Stella!) 

Re: BeautyTalk Yearbook

aww geez you guys, reading all of your posts is making me super happy, but also sad that i didn't join BT earlier! i joined in november of 2016.


i'm a newbie compared to most of you guys, but that doesn't mean i feel less because of it! i stumbled upon BT by accident after googling something, and literally spent hours reading all the threads. i loved the kindness and positive energy that everyone here seemed to radiate.


at first i was a bit "shy", but it didn't take long before i felt welcome! @veronika23@Tamara76 and 

@angel7594 were some of the first people i remember who were especially lovely, but i truly adore you all. last year was the school year from hell, and whenever i was having a really rough time, i could always count on BT for a laugh, support, and LLAMAS. i cannot truly say how much i appreciate you guys!


i posted on reddit for many years, but was never brave enough to post makeup looks or photos, so BT is the first place i ever felt comfortable doing so!  it's so amazing (and rare!) to find a group of people (especially women) who support each other and build each other up, without expecting something in return. and the unicorn mail! i remember when i was looking for the urban decay vice samplers, and SO many people sent them to me, and didn't ask for anything in return. @Mcakes@CC3616@Fedele13


@veronika23@lisainprogress are the first to come to mind, and have all sent me some amazing boxes full of goodness ❤️



haha i'm getting all sentimental here but seriously. i look forward to the new boards, and better see you guys there!
