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Post in Acne-Prone Skin


Plz help with acne. Any tips??!?!!?

Re: Acneeeee

I don’t break out I just wanted tips so I DONT get acne

Re: Acneeeee

@BrookieDaCat  A hormonal change can cause acne. So can stress. These 2 things are hard to control, especially the first one which happens to pretty much everyone. You’d need to ask your primary care doctor about that. 

You might prevent some acne by simply following a good basic skincare routine of gentle non-drying cleanser, moisturizer, and daily sunscreen. Be consistent with it. This will help keep your pores from getting clogged with excess dead skin cells and acne-causing bacteria. 

Re: Acneeeee

@BrookieDaCat, where/when do you breakout?  Do you know your skin type, and have you seen a dermatologist?


If you can't answer the last two questions, consider seeing a derm, if possible, just because acne has a lot of different causes.  You can save yourself some trial and error by having a trained professional evaluate your skin as we aren't derms here.  For example, I used to use salicylic acid and was told that's great for acne , which is true in that it's an exfoliant and can promote turnover.  However, for some people, it can cause acne.  As the concentration of that ingredient was higher and more available, I started reacting to it.  Turns out, my skin can only handle it in small amounts.  On the flip side, when I saw a derm, I saw my skin benefit with a prescription, and certain acne washes, like ones with sulfur.


Also, don't try too many  products at once, you want to give a new product enough time as cell turnover can take anywhere from 2 weeks or more (age dependent).

Re: Acneeeee

@BrookieDaCat Other than finding what products work best for your skin type (which is trial and error in itself since what works for others may or may not work for you), i’d say the most important tip is to stay consistent with your routine. My main downfall is that i get lazy and will stop doing my skincare which is when my breakouts start and worsen.

Another thing is to lightly exfoliate (your skin type determines how often a week you should exfoliate so that you don’t ruin your skin barrier) with some type of cloth or exfoliating pad instead of just using your hands. 
Also, don’t overdo it with amount of products you use at once, if you feel like you need to layer 10 different products to see results then those aren’t the right products for you.


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