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Daily Skincare - what are you using?

Often people ask for recommendations on a skincare routine or for specific products/combinations.  This might be a place to share your everyday skincare, both AM and PM.  A skincare "what are you wearing" as it were.  Hope this is useful.


*Age - 40

Skin type - oily/combination

Current skin condition - quite dehydrated (winter/indoor heating)*


01/17/16 - AM skincare in the order I used

1. Nude Jelly cleanser (love)

2. Pixi Glow tonic (5% glycolic toner - love)

3. Omorovicza Queen of Hungary Spritz (sample)

4. Radical Skincare Youth Infusion serum - hydrating and anti-ageing (new to me.  Testing)

5. Bobbi Brown Hydrating Eye Cream (like)

6. Elemis Pro-Collagen Marine cream (really like as an AM moisturizer)


I will try to post PM skincare tonight so the post can be comprehensive.


General comments - Okay skin.  Apparently the age between 38-42 is a transformational time in hormones (dehydrated skin/spots), so I am more aware of how my skin performs/reacts .  My skincare definitely has more "actives" now than before.

Anonymous Insider

Re: Daily Skincare - what are you using?

I'm in my mid 40's and decided it's time to try and take better care of my skin. The one thing I did right for most of the last 2 decades is wear sunscreen every day, at least up until the past couple years, after which I notice some undesirable changes. After playing around with some different products that contain SPF, I'm currently using Perricone MD No Foundation Foundation to make sure I keep that base covered, I like the fact that it has stuff in it that's good for my skin and it feels like I'm not wearing anything.


I've been using Proactiv the past few years. I'm not sure it has been all that I was looking for. Many of their products contain benzoyl peroxide, which has ruined some nice towels and bed sheets, despite my best efforts to keep the products away from them. I have switched to using all white towels and only use their Gentle formula products near bedtime. Seems like my pores on my nose, chin and forehead were always still full of gunk, and I still get zits and lovely sebaceous cysts. Yuk. And it seems like R&F is happy to keep selling you more and more products to "deep clean" and "remove impurities", but layer after layer of stuff doesn't seem to do much except drain the wallet.


I'm currently experimenting with some different things - I think my favorite cleanser so far is Kate Somerville Daily Detox. Haven't tried the Exfolikate wash yet - looks like that also has glycolic acid which is supposed to be good stuff. I'm using the Clinique sonic cleanser, have tried it with the foaming cleanser that comes with it and it seems ok too. I like the IT Cosmetics Secret Sauce moisturizer - makes my skin feel soft and very hydrated without being greasy. Still have some Proactiv Daily Oil Control that I use mainly on my nose, not sure it helps much but I need all the help I can get there. The Proactive Toner has glycolic acid which is nice, but I try not to use it with the Daily Detox for fear of over-doing the AHA. Clinique Toner #2 seems okay (got a free sample), not sure I like the fact that it contains alcohol, yeah I know it's "cosmetic grade". I recently discovered micellar water - Garnier travel size purchased on impulse - seems nice and gentle around the eyes, gets what other stuff misses. Just purchased Teamine Eye Complex for my under-eye bags and dark circles - seems to help a wee bit with the darkness but not so much with the puffiness. Once in a while I use the sulfur-based Proativ mask, mainly because it's there. Also have some ROC overnight cream with retinol, it dries my skin especially if I use it more than once or twice a week. 


So many products, sometimes it's hard to know where to begin!


Re: Daily Skincare - what are you using?

@Anonymous I love micellar water too!! 

Daily Skincare - what are you using?

I could write a book. Grandma got me started young. I scrub first with a hot, hot wash rag, followed by a gentle exfoliant. I use different Korean lines for toner, essence and serum. No moisturizer or eye cream has ever been as awesome as Origins GinZing line. I peel once a week with Real Chemistry. A sheet mask once a week and a sleeping pack once a week. I recommend bee venom or snail essence for masks. I stay out of the sun. I'm ghostly pale, rarely use foundation, and have freckles. No blemishes and you can see for yourself my wrinkles. Here I am about three months ago. Ignore my eyebrows. I was super lazy that month. I just woke up and the darkness under my eyes fades as soon as I put on my GinZing. Yes, that is a puppy behind me. Oh... did I mention I'm 40?

WTF I thought you were around 15 lol

WTF I thought you were around 15 lol

Re: Daily Skincare - what are you using?

Did you accidentally invert the 4 and the 0?!?!? You look like a teenager in this pic, @MrsCas


I'll have what she's having...

Anonymous Insider

Re: Daily Skincare - what are you using?

You don't look old enough to vote! Wow!

Re: Daily Skincare - what are you using?

Love this prompt, OP!

My AM Routine as of late:

-splash with cold water or use a water-based cleanser like one from Ole Henriksen (the one in the green bottle);

-tone with an alcohol-free toner - pretty much finished with a cheap, good, basic kind from Neutrogena, and now I'm contemplating one from Kiehl's;

-softener from O Hui, a Korean skincare line;

-clear essence from O Hui;

-alternate between a Vitamin C serum and anti-wrinkle serum, both from Derma E, which is a great natural brand that doesn't test on animals;

-mineral-based sunscreen - currently using one from natural brand MyChelle


PM Routine:

-oil-cleanse: sometimes I use good ole Pond's Cold Cream and then alternate with Tatcha oil cleanser;

-water cleanse: Garnier micellar water for oil-free makeup esp when I use aforementioned Pond's Cold Cream and alternate with cleanser from Ole Henriksen;

-light exfoliation 2-3 times a week with Tatcha Rice Enzyme exfoliator for normal skin;



-retinol serum system from ROC and if I don't use this, I use a vitamin-C serum or a Tatcha serum (the memory concentrate)

-night cream - I alternate among one from O HUI, Tatcha, Derma E, and Huxley (another Korean brand);

-eye cream - I alternate between a retinol one from ROC and Tatcha's Ageless eye cream

Re: Daily Skincare - what are you using?

@stellas This might sound stupid but what does a softener do? And I’ve been wanting to try out Huxley. Will probably look into O Hui too! If you don’t mind me asking, what type of skin do you have? 

Re: Daily Skincare - what are you using?

@CakesCakes, doesn't sound stupid at all! I actually don't quite know what a softener does except attest to it helping to, well, soften my skin. The O Hui softener I use has the texture of a very light milky toner. Because I believe Korean skincare is really about adding light layer upon layer, I use the softener right after I tone with a non-alcohol based toner. Since I received the O Hui set as a gift, I've incorporated the products into my skincare regimen. Not sure if I will continue to use a softener once I'm done with this as the step isn't necessary per se. I'm sure some purist Korean skincare users will think I'm crazy to even consider not using a softener all the time. It's definitely a nice added step if you wish to include it in your routine. Sorry for such a long response! Lastly, my skin is normal/combo - slightly oily T-zone and gets prone to dryness, so I'm big into moisturizing. Hope this helps and thank you for your response. 

Re: Daily Skincare - what are you using?

@stellas A softener sounds so luxurious! I usually just do the bare minimum after toning and have only recently started getting into moisturizers. Thanks for sharing! 

RE: Daily Skincare - what are you using?

Hi everyone! I love sharing my skincare routine and favorite products. I just turned 30 last week, and I’m classic combo skin. Normal to dry in the cheek and extremely oily in my t zone. My major concerns are hormonal breakouts and residual acne scarring from breakouts, and texture issues on my nose. Using ingredients that protect from signs of aging are always top of mind as well. I double cleanse with Farmacy Green Clean Cleansing Balm and Caudalie’s Foaming Cleanser. On days I exfoliate, I’ll use PTR Firmx peel gel or throw in DE Babyfacial (this product changed my life). I alternate between two Vit C serums. I’ll either do the DG C+ Collagen, or PTR Poten-C. For moisturizer I always switch it up. I’ve had so many that have worked very well for my skin. Currently, I’m using Lotus Youth Preserve from Fresh during the day, and Tata’s Reparative at night. My fave bonus products are Tatcha’s Essence, Tata’s Resurfacing Mask, Sunday Riley UFO Oil, Biossance’s Squalane Oil, and The Rosehip Oil from The Ordinary. Current eye cream is the PreEmpt from Perricone. Obsessed. Also, Algenist’s Retinol Serum around my forehead. I’ll always mix a little with my moisturizer.

Re: RE: Daily Skincare - what are you using?

@TheBigC Sounds like you have a great routine going! I’ve thought about sampling the DE babyfacial and then possibly adding it to my skincare. How often do you use it? And did it tingle or make your skin red? 

Re: RE: Daily Skincare - what are you using?

Hi Cakes! Babyfacial is amazing. You only need to use it once a week. Tingling is normal, but if you feel any burning/discomfort, rinse off right away. You can leave BF on for 5-10 mins if this is your first time using a peel with a higher % of AHAs/BHAs, or you can leave it on for 15-20 mins and rinse off. I always follow up with a rich cream or hydrating oil. Avoid Retinol after, and use an spf during the day. You’ll love it! 

Re: RE: Daily Skincare - what are you using?

@TheBigC Thanks for your advice! I’m going to get a sample so if it works it’ll go on my VIB sale list!! 😁

Re: RE: Daily Skincare - what are you using?

Awesome! Let me know how you like it and if it works out for you! 

Anonymous Insider

RE: Daily Skincare - what are you using?

I’m 13 with oily/combo skin. My concerns are acne, blackheads, and oiliness. I use bare minerals acne treatment gel cleanser and true oasis oil free cream. For masks I use Freeman avocado and oatmeal mask, Freeman mint and lemon mask, and glow recipe watermelon sleeping mask.

Re: RE: Daily Skincare - what are you using?

The Watermelon Glow mask is nice - good choice @Anonymous.  It smells like jolly ranchers too!

Re: Daily Skincare - what are you using?

Age 35, combo skin, occasional breakouts on my chin, with dry cheeks.



1. Fresh Soy Face Cleanser 

2. Algenist Genius Liquid Collagen

3. Either Caudalie Vinoperfect Serum or Origins White Tea Skin Gaurdian

4. It Cosmetics Bye Bye Undereye Cream

5. Either Dr. Jart Black Label Detox BB or Philosophy Renewed Hope skin tint (both have my spf)


PM:  Same as AM, but no BB/SPF.  Replace that step with Fresh Black Tea Corset Cream.  Sometimes I use Ren Ready Steady Glow to help remove any residual makeup after cleansing. 


I have the following masks in rotation, I use one nightly between cleansing and the Algenist :

Fresh Rose Face Mask,

PTR Pumpkin Enzyme

Olehenriksen Sauna Scrub

Fresh Sugar Face Polish

Farmacy Honey Potion

Origins Black Charcoal Mask

Re: Daily Skincare - what are you using?

Age: 29

Skin type: combo / sensitive


AM routine:



PM routine:



Masks 2x a week (I can only use GG as a mask):



Re: Daily Skincare - what are you using?

I've heard lovely things about the champagne serum - is it a must have? 

Re: Daily Skincare - what are you using?

@hlbrush it's very nice if you are after a soothing serum and don't mind a pump.

I much prefer a dropper, so I ended up switching to Laurel Anti-Inflammatory Serum, but wouldn't mind using the Champagne Serum again at some point.

3 Replies