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Show Me Your Nails 2.0

Due to some technical glitches with the original Show Me Your Nails Thread, I am starting a new thread with @vegchililover78's blessing (She says "hello," by the way!).


Please share your nail looks, nail art and manicures!




...And don't forget to check out @Beadshopgirl's Nail Stamping Thread for stamping inspiration! ❤️

Re: Show Me Your Nails 2.0

those are adorable!!!

Re: Show Me Your Nails 2.0

All photo uploads are failing on me, ny suggestions? I just updated my app to make sure it wasn't that.

Re: Show Me Your Nails 2.0

Hi @Jambolina , sorry you've been having trouble with photo uploads. Could it be that your photos are too large (max size allowed is 6.8 MB I believe)? If they are larger than that, they won't post.

If that isn't the problem and you are still having issues, I recommend posting your question in the BIC community feedback thread here: Beauty Insider Community Feedback 

This thread is for us to post about any site/app glitches or issues. The more detail you can provide the better (i.e. your phone model or browser, etc.), and the mods are always pretty quick to respond and do what they can to help.

Hope this helps, and good luck!

Re: Show Me Your Nails 2.0


Not a mani, but I am celebrating my progress with a before & after pic. 😊 It has been about 7 months since I stopped biting my nails and started taking care of them instead, and now I'm finally happy with how they look! Shout out to @RGbrown @itsfi @CynthieLu  and many other lovely BICers for tips, support & encouragement, especially when I was just starting this journey! So grateful for you all 🥰 and thanks to everyone in this thread for inspiration & motivation too! I hope to start sharing some manis of my own here soon!

Re: Show Me Your Nails 2.0

Awesome progress @caitbird !!!! 🥰

Re: Show Me Your Nails 2.0

@jaaayp  thank you! 😊

Re: Show Me Your Nails 2.0

Congratulations!!! 💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻  They look Great!!! 💅🏼

Re: Show Me Your Nails 2.0

@MrsKing2326  thank you so much! 🥰

Re: Show Me Your Nails 2.0

@caitbird  wow!!! Great job! These are truly amazing!!!’ Do you have any tips or tricks that helped that you can share?? 

Re: Show Me Your Nails 2.0

@ather  thank you so much! As far as tips - when I was first trying to stop biting my nails, I used press ons a lot so I wouldn't have access to my actual nails to bite them. That worked pretty well, and eventually I didn't need the press ons anymore bc I had broken the habit. I use nail oil (my favorite is the Bliss Kiss one, you can get it on Amazon), although not as consistently as I'd like, and that seems to help them grow stronger. The other thing was just patience and time - in my experience when you are growing your nails out at first, they tend to break pretty easily. Mine would be longer now, but several times over the past several months one would break and I'd have to trim them all down to that length and start again from there. But I found that the longer I went on, the stronger my nails were. I think they need time to build up layers of growth to be less thin & brittle. Idk I'm not an expert by any means, so I don't know how helpful any of that is. Good luck with your nails - I hope you can grow them so you are happy with them! 

Re: Show Me Your Nails 2.0

@caitbird  Thank you for the tips! It’s good to hear that they are weak at first but they will get stronger! I can see where the damage is on mine and for the most part it is on the tips. So fingers crossed they will only get stronger and stronger from here. I’m glad you were able to break your habit! As a former nail biter myself it was a tough habit to break! I haven’t bite my nails for a long time but I know how hard it was to stop. Such a great accomplishment!! I will be as patient as I can and try to wait for my nails to grow! 

Re: Show Me Your Nails 2.0

What a stunning transformation, @caitbird ! 🤩  I'm so proud of you for your restraint and dedication.  As a former nail biter, I can identify with your struggle.  Enjoy the upcoming fun and excitement the manicure world hold for your awesome looking nails! 😘

Re: Show Me Your Nails 2.0

@Titian06  thank you so much, you are so sweet 💜 I'm excited to be able to paint my nails now!

Re: Show Me Your Nails 2.0

@caitbird Wow! That is incredible! 👏🤩 You should be so proud of yourself.  A *huge* congratulations is in order. Nail biting is a hard habit to break. 🎊 Congratulations girl! 💝💝 

I'm smiling so big right now. You did amazing, and your natural nails are so beautiful. 🙌  

Re: Show Me Your Nails 2.0

@CynthieLu  thank you so much, I really appreciate your kind words! 🥰

Re: Show Me Your Nails 2.0

@caitbird Girrrrrlllll, that's awesome!  Congrats on breaking a habit and for getting that kind of nail growth!

Re: Show Me Your Nails 2.0

@CookieGirl1  thank you so much! 😊

Re: Show Me Your Nails 2.0

OHHHHH!!!! 😍😍😍 @caitbird, there's so many things I want to say! First, let's just recognize the hard work you put into your nail care! Brava!!! 👏👏 I am so impressed by and proud of you! #extraordinary #inspired Second, I am beyond happy for you❣️ 

truly amazing gif.gif

P.S. It is a mani. 💅 A natural mani. And it's beautiful! Absolutely beautiful. 


I have to include a tag to @ather - we've been on a journey to strengthen and grow our nails. ather, check this out! 👆 There's some major motivation and inspiration in those pics!


Thank you for sharing your journey with us, caitbird. You are an inspiration!  

Re: Show Me Your Nails 2.0

@itsfi  Ooo thanks! ☺️ I’ll check it out!! 

Re: Show Me Your Nails 2.0

@itsfi  thank you so much, you are so sweet! 🥰 I appreciate your kind words so much (and thank you for tagging @ather , I knew I was forgetting someone!) 💜

Re: Show Me Your Nails 2.0

@caitbird  I’m just so proud of your progress!! 

2 Replies