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Does anyone have lots of trouble logging into BeautyTalk?

Ok this has been a regular problem for me...I have a really hard time even getting in to this website!  I've tried it on every OS - mac, linux, windows - web browsers - chrome, firefox, safari - different networks - and I cannot log in.  The error is always different, sometimes it says page does not exist after I click the login button, sometimes it says error contact administrator.


"An Unexpected Error has occurred. Your request failed. Please contact your system administrator and provide the date and time you received the error and this Exception ID: 107EE70C. Click your browser's Back button to continue."


Sometimes it will work once and then when I login again it fails.  The only consistent way I've been able to get login to work is to use Private browsing mode on Safari, click login- the page does nothing, nothing loads, no events are triggered, but if I go directly to I'm apparently logged in


Am I alone in this?



Re: Does anyone have lots of trouble logging into BeautyTalk?

Hi @Madeline7,


This may not be your issue but I know sometimes I get the same error message when I hover over ADVICE and then click on COMMUNITY. I know for me, if I just click on ADVICE, it takes me straight to Beauty Talk. Maybe that will help, maybe not 😉


Beauty Talk.PNG

Stay Fabulous,

Re: Does anyone have lots of trouble logging into BeautyTalk?

Thanks, entering BT through the advice tab solved my issue.  I've always gone directly to but that seems to have been causing the issue. 

Re: Does anyone have lots of trouble logging into BeautyTalk?

Hi @Madeline7


I'm going to send you a private message, but as @TrysBeautyItems, clearing your cookies and cache will help. Also, Beauty Talk is not accessible through mobile if you happen to be on there. Please check your inbox when you can. Thanks!




Re: Does anyone have lots of trouble logging into BeautyTalk?

Have you cleared cookies/cache? 

Re: Does anyone have lots of trouble logging into BeautyTalk?

Ok well I definitely didn't mean to put this in the acne forum LOL

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