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Post in Curls & Coils

Ride the WAVE with me

Hey all,


My hair was a beautiful 3B my teen and college years. After issues with hormones and kids I have only wave left. It is frustrating not knowing how to style your hair anymore. My hair is now 2B, 2C would be an excellent day.


I plan to have a no-buy for makeup for one year (started Nov 2018) and focus on finding the right hair products. I want to take the process gradually and give things time.


I started using Devacurl in Spring 2018. I had low-poo, one condition, and arc angel gel. My hair looked and felt like straw and was not getting any curl back so I stopped using all three products.


In October I chopped off a lot of hair for donation and hoped to get some bounce back. The stylist (Deva certified) recommended no-poo, one condition, coconut styling cream, and b-leave in gel. The routine was okay but I wanted more out of my hair.


Over the past week I changed my styling product to arc angel gel. I know, I know, the stylist and others have already said it was too heavy for my hair. I just wanted to experiment and find what product caused my hair to turn to straw in the spring. Arc angel seems to be in the clear. But since it isn't helping with any curl, I will pass it on to my 3C/4A mom.


I plan to resume the last routine and see how it goes or if it still seems lackluster. My one condition is almost out but I have a one condition delight. I want to see how my hair reacts to this.


I also have samples of Decadence. I believe it will likely be too heavy but it is time to find what works and what doesn't.


So here begins my hair journey. Hoping to either learn to ride the waves or return to curl.

Re: Ride the WAVE with me

Your waves look so nice @gingerleigh! Do you generally diffuse or air dry? I keep saying I need a trim for my front pieces but just keep putting it off. I'm jealous you seem to have similar waves throughout. Some of mine are pretty straight and then others are curled - drives me nuts! Thanks so much for sharing your after winter pics!

Re: Ride the WAVE with me


Thank you! This is actually the best my hair can do, only achievable by scrunching with some kind of product with decent hold and drying with the hair dryer. When I do the exact same except air dry, it just turns out wavy. Both looks are ok with me, so I just choose based on mood or how much time I have.


When my hair is as long as yours, I only get a slight wave in my top 1/3 layer, while the bottom 2/3 does a cohesive ripple all the way down -- if I lift up the top layer, it looks like a completely different head of hair underneath. When I have a short haircut, that bottom ripple turns easily into supportive curls that help the still loosely-waved top layer blend in. I still have to help it out with a curling iron here and there sometimes.


Btw I did a last minute Olaplex 3 treatment right before my cut, only had time to leave it on for 30 minutes, but I feel like it really helped with getting a great shape cut into my hair. I plan to do it again next time, but with more prep time.

Re: Ride the WAVE with me

@gingerleigh , please look into getting the professional Olaplex treatment at a local salon to your house. I paid $35.00 and I also received a take home bottle of the Olaplex 3.

Re: Ride the WAVE with me

I will in future! What do you think is the biggest plus about having it at the salon, compared to buying it from Sephora, with maybe the 20% rouge discount? Does it work out about the same, or is it just better somehow?




Also, how much product do you think a pro would use on my hair? I am curious about that. I make the little bottle stretch to 4 uses, so I must be using about 3/4 oz each time, with my hair so short. My stylist has such long hair, she said she has to use about $50 worth every time she does a treatment. That would hurt.

Re: Ride the WAVE with me

The Olaplex treatment that was given to me in my salon was the one only available to professionals which is the Olaplex 2 @gingerleigh . The takeaway was the 3 ounce bottle of Olaplex 3. My bottle will be lasting me a long time because my Devacurl stylist told me to use only a capful on my hair ever other shampoo. My hair feels soft after it dries but I probably do not need to use Olaplex. 

My hair is similar to your hair in texture but now the length is just below my collarbone. I have no idea how much of the Olaplex my stylist used during treatment. My biggest problem is frizz that I am still looking for a solution.

Re: Ride the WAVE with me

Thanks for the info! @Loretta55  I will try to use less next time and see if I get the same results.  After I shampoo and condition, I air dry for a while with my hair sort of plopping in an xl Goody hair net, ever so stylishly like so:


goody hair net.jpg


...and especially after using olaplex 3, my hair comes out nicer, with more clumping, and far less of every strand trying to do its own thing. I haven't had much frizz since I started doing this. I have to admit, I spend one or two hours per day wearing this thing, sometimes adding hair clips to give it a tighter hold.

Re: Ride the WAVE with me

OMG memories @gingerleigh! I used the same Goody Hair Net when I was younger prior to today’s technology. I used to sleep nightly with my hair in rollers (extremely uncomfortable) just to have decently styled hair. Now I sit for about half an hour using the AQUIS - Lisse Luxe Hair Turban

I feel like it takes an hour off the drying time



Re: Ride the WAVE with me

I forgot to mention that I sat underneath the dryer at my salon for about an hour and afterwards my Devacurl stylist took this photo @gingerleigh.

Re: Ride the WAVE with me

Your hair looks beauteous @Loretta55 

Aquis towels are on my shopping list, just as soon as my current set of hair towels get a little more respectfully aged.

Re: Ride the WAVE with me

I will be using my Turbie Twist today as an experiment @gingerleigh. Hopefully I will get similar results this time. My problem is day of wash and other treatments look great but my hair will frizz once I sleep on it. I should purchase a Slip Silk Pillowcase - Standard/Queen Pink

Wish the cost was easier on my wallet.

Re: Ride the WAVE with me

Please let me know your results! I'm very curious how Aquis will stack up compared to Turbie. @Loretta55 


Those silk pillowcases are things I am wanting to try too, only I'm concerned about the high price and quality of the material. I would like to examine one in person before buying, for sure. 

Re: Ride the WAVE with me

I have never seen any Slip products in a store @gingerleigh. I have the same curiosity about the quality of both the product and materials used. I will definitely let you know my opinion about the Turbie Twist.

Re: Ride the WAVE with me

I am aborting the Turbie Twist experiment @gingerleigh. It barely covered any of my hair so it would have been a disaster. So new experiment, for the first time I am trying the Aquis Waffle Luxe Hair Turban Blush

Hopefully it will work even better than the AQUIS - 03 Prime Rapid-Dry Hair Turban

Re: Ride the WAVE with me

Our weather today was unsettling, so it took 7 hours to totally dry @gingerleigh . I am happy with the results but it will be frizzy when I wake up unfortunately.

Re: Ride the WAVE with me

That's a long drying time! @Loretta55 Sorry to hear it didn't work out with your Turbie experiment. I have had my Turbies for about 3 years now. They cover my hair easily, but the fabric is getting less nice over time. I am really looking forward to whenever I break down and buy my first Aquis towel.

Re: Ride the WAVE with me

I guess that I got spoiled by the Aquis turbans @gingerleigh . They easily cover my head and do a wonderful job covering my entire hair. It normally takes at least 4 hours to totally dry my hair so 7 hours is almost normal for me. I will not style my hair until it is totally dry. I massage my roots and then scrunch my curls.

Re: Ride the WAVE with me

I know quite a few people on here swear by the Olaplex No. 3. I might have to give it a go @gingerleigh. Also your discussion of your top and bottom hair layers was good to hear. I feel like my top is looser as well.

Re: Ride the WAVE with me

@ShortErica The Olaplex 3 has been great for restoring the texture to my hair after I decided to get a (very) blonde ombre and the bleach sucked some of the life out of my hair. Still not quite there yet, but definitely helps strengthen/repair/restore. I have a damage repair treatment (think that's the name?) from Aveda which is a better value ounce/$ that I think works similarly, but at $28 the Olaplex was an easier spend for me personally than the $39 from Aveda. This might be weird but I actually have a couple samples of the Aveda stuff I'd be happy to send you in the mail

Re: Ride the WAVE with me

Aww that's so sweet @Brutalitops! I think I'm going to stick to using just DevaCurl for my one year experiment but then will branch out to other brands. If you still have samples then, I'd love to try but don't save them for me.

Re: Ride the WAVE with me

@ShortErica Totally fair, I still get freaked out about trying new products once I feel like I have my hair figured out 😅 Plus Deva Curl is great, no doubt and I love their coconutty smell


I just always look at all my samples (of literally so many products, like I am basically a hoarder at this point) and think how sad it is they don't have a happy home

Re: Ride the WAVE with me

I'm not in the DevaCurl cult but I've had a decent time with their products. They do have a distinct smell. One suggestion to find a good home for your unused samples is a local woman's shelter. I know the feeling that you want products to be enjoyed and not wasted so maybe that's an option @Brutalitops 

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