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What's on your plate?

Hello there, ladies and gents!


Keeping in line with all the fun and interactive threads asking about your most recent halls, items you have your eyes on, what you're currently wearing, what's your hair routine, and more, I've decide to branch out and ask:


"What's on your plate?"


The beauty world doesn't just stop at skin care and cosmetics, it also goes hand in hand with your overall health and well-being, so with that, I'm curious to see what we're all chowing down and snacking on be it for breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, or inbetween!


For those with apps that help count calories or to those who just want to keep a log, here's a place to share, possibly find and share some recipes, and even tips on maintaining a balanced diet.


Don't just share food items, but even drinks! I'm a huge fan of tea and at least have a cup of green tea a day (anti-oxidants) and drink plenty of water.


For lunch today, I had:


-Brown rice

-Steamed egg

-Steamed red snapper with green onion, sesame oil, and black pepper

-Gai lan (it's a type of Chinese vegetable/greens)


Now, tell me, Beauty Talk world, what do you have? 😄

Anonymous Insider

Re: What's on your plate?

Oh yeah, I've done that with cauliflower AND cooked kale. Kale + mashed potatoes. YUMMMMMM


I am sad about my old Cusinart, there were parts of the lid I couldn't clean since they were enclosed so we got rid of it. Have been on the hunt ever since.

Re: What's on your plate?

Lylysa, yes I have mashed cauliflower. You can also run cauliflower through your food processor so it resembles rice, and then substitute it for rice. Then cook it until it's done.


I do taste the cauliflower though myself, whether it's mashed like potatoes or made to look like rice. But either way is how paleo-diet people eat their "potatoes" and "rice."


I love smashing or mashing butternut squash or yams too. I add some ghee, sugar-free apricot jam and a splash of soy sauce (or coconut aminos) to the mashed squash or yams and I'm done. This dish appeals to even picky eaters--I think it's because the taste is tempered by what's added.


My absolute fav this winter is butternut squash "polenta." (Recipe provided in an earlier post.) Now I'm making extra while butternut squash is in season (and super cheap at Trader Joe's). The "polenta" freezes and then reheats nicely.

Re: What's on your plate?

I need to get on the mashed cauliflower thing already, I enjoy it plenty just steamed. 😛

Re: What's on your plate?

If you like it steamed, you'd likely like cauliflower rice too.

Re: What's on your plate?

Now I need a food processor.

Re: What's on your plate?

That sounds amazing!  Simple is PB&J; your lunch is anything but!

Re: What's on your plate?

just needed to steam the cauliflower. The ham was leftover, reheated in microwave. The oil was from Trader Joe's.

Re: What's on your plate?

Caramel Chocolate Rye Banana Bread.  

Re: What's on your plate?

I read your post all out of order but it all still sounded delicious!

Re: What's on your plate?

Lol, it was/is.  It's one thing.  



Re: What's on your plate?

Whether it's all together or separate....YUM! ^_^

Re: What's on your plate?



Thanksgiving dessert: pumpkin cheesecake and salted caramel chocolate chip pecan bars. Or the leftovers that I left at my parents' house. 😉

Anonymous Insider

Re: What's on your plate?

How can you leave the pecan bars behind, they'll be lonely.

Re: What's on your plate?

um yeaaaaaaa, gonna need that salted caramel chocolate chip pecan bar recipe! Please! 🙂

(it looks AWESOME!)

Re: What's on your plate?

^^^^^^ I agree!!!! 

Re: What's on your plate?

Supppppper easy, cake-like cornbread recipe I follow (my home-ec teacher back in high school gave it to me):


-1 box yellow cake mix

-2 boxes Jiffy corn muffin mix

-2 cups of milk

-1/3 cup of oil

-5 eggs


Preheat oven to 350, lightly grease a 9x13 pan (merely cut the recipe in half if you're using a 9x9 pan). Sift or mix dry ingredients together, add in milk, oil, and eggs and beat together. Get rid of lumps in batter, pour into pan, bake for 40-45 minutes (if you're using a 9x9 pan it may take 35-40, so just keep an eye starting around the 35 minute mark regardless of pan size). 


I adore this recipe because I'm a fan of sweet cornbread and this takes all the guess work out of how much sugar to use and avoiding making it too sweet but also getting it sweet enough. It pairs great with any upcoming Thanksgiving meals or even on its own paired with a cup of hot tea or coffee!

Re: What's on your plate?

This whole thread is making me wish I could cook. 😞 It's funny because you would think with a chemistry background I could manage to make edible food but alas, no.

Anonymous Insider

Re: What's on your plate?

It's nearly the holidays so you can cheat french toast easy. Grab brioche or any egg bread like Challah. I've found cutting up into half slices works best around a quarter or third of an inch thick. let it stale up a few hours in the oven/fridge/open. Douse the mess of it with a food whole milk + cream top eggnog with cinnamon and nutmeg. Pan fry up a nice crust on it all (medium low heat, keep a bit of oil in the pan for each batch you put in). Since eggnog is typically pasteurized, it is fairly goof-proof.

Re: What's on your plate?

That sounds really good! Definitely will give it a try. Thanks!

Re: What's on your plate?

That actually sounds pretty tasty, as long as it doesn't actually taste like eggnog. 😛

Anonymous Insider

Re: What's on your plate?

I promise it doesn't. This is just a way to cheat having to crack eggs and mix up the slosh. 😉

3 Replies