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Post in Combination Skin

First Aid Beauty allergic reaction?

Hello all!!

I have to ask if anyone else has experienced any negative side effects from using the #FirstAidBeauty coconut cream and the Niacisinamide serum? I bought them online and the arrived Friday 29th. I used them both that night I immediately noticed my skin became flushed and red blochy patches developed. I'm not sure which product it is but what's worse is I don't have the original recept that came in the box and now I can't even return it :(. Help?!! Please

Re: First Aid Beauty allergic reaction?

Omg I’m so glad I found someone who had a similar issue! I wasn’t sure if it was the Dark Spot Niacinamide serum or something else! What it did to me was, the first day my undereye got purple and tender and then a few days later, my legs were filled with hives!! I’m going to stop using it and see if the reaction persists!

Re: First Aid Beauty allergic reaction?

Since you used them both at the same time, there's no way to know which caused the reaction without your trying each of them separately @Vivyen. Once you figure out which one is the problem, you can still return it if you bought it under your insider account even without the paper receipt.

Re: First Aid Beauty allergic reaction?

Hello @Vivyen ! I read your comment. I have never used the first aid beauty coconut cream and the Niacisinamide serum. However I did have also some problems as well on my face, my skin started to get really red after using a soap (which I really don't know what was inside). I started then to use lots of different creams which was not good because my face was still red and it wasn't going away. I started to do some researches and I found this new chrome extension called:, I downloaded it and it helped me so much to find good creams and other products on (Sephora and Amazon)  for your skin and elsewhere. I would highly recommend you to try it. Now I have clean skin because of the creams helped me choose. I hope that helps! 

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