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Ulta GWPs

This thread will be for Ulta GWPs only.  Share ulta promos here.  


Please do NOT post requests for the spreadsheet in this thread.  Please post requests for the Ulta GWP google spread sheet in this thread:


A list of in store coupons is here:


Let's keep this thread on topic!


Ulta points refresher (because yes, it is that complicated):



Item #1 - $53.50

Item #3 - $108.50 (and is eligible for a certain item/brand 5x multiplier)

* There is also a 5x all purchase multiplier and you are platinum so you get 1.25x

Total Spent - $162

Base Points Earned - 162

Platinum .25x Earned - 41 (162 * .25 = 40.5, and rounding up)

5x All Purchases Earned - 648 (it ends up being 4x because you don't count the base points)

5x Item/Brand Earned - 434

Total Points Earned - 1285


Links are not allowed.  In lieu of links, please read this:



Please add product id numbers and sku numbers so people can find items on ulta.  

Just to clarify, there is an item number that Ulta lists on the website, right under the picture of the item.


The product id is the number given to the item in the URL.  So Ulta's site follows this formula of having the url and then the very last part of the url is "productId=xlsImpprod" followed by an 8 digit number.  If you use that "productId" number you can get to the page of any item on ulta. 

It's not a search, but the direct url to the page. 

Click on any product, and then view the url in the address bar.  It will look like this: ulta's website (not using the actual domain because BT admins don't like that) /prep-prime-fix?productId=xlsImpprod15921204  Replace the 8 digit product id of the item you want to see with the id of the product you're looking for.


My very unofficial Ulta point multiplier to approximate percent discount chart:

(This is a number where I use the multiplier to divide by 2000 to see how many dollars I would have to spend in order to redeem a $125 reward.  E.g. 2000 points divided by 1 point multiplier means I have to spend $2000 to get the $125 reward.  Adding how much I had to spend ($2000) + the reward ($125), and then using the reward ($125) to divide the total purchase ($2125), I get a discount of approximately 6% based on the total purchase.  Note: the total purchase is based on the concept that you are spending just enough to reach the next $125 reward and combines the reward value with how much money you had to spend to get that reward.


Total Purchase21251725145811251014925792740696625596569525401392375367360347341336325320315


Re: Ulta GWPs


Yes 🙂

If you go online just type the 3.50 off coupon in the coupon spot, but the free gift is a link and you add it to your bag online.  I usually have to resign in after I add it to my bag, but that's just me.

if you go into the store they should be able to do both coupons for you, mine does anyways

Re: Ulta GWPs


Re: Ulta GWPs

Just an FYI I went to my local Ulta last night and saw a lot of the Real Techniques brushes in their clearance section.  Mostly eyebrow and eyeshadow sets for about 4-8 dollars.  There were some single brushes though.


I thought some of you might like to know. 🙂

Re: Ulta GWPs

Do all of these Ulta freebies have generic codes?


When I found my free full size Ulta Beauty eye shadow single coupon, the fine print said that the code was exclusively for my email. My code differs from the one in a previous post.

Re: Ulta GWPs

The freebies that are added by link and show up as free, without entering a code, can be used by anyone, multiple times, online and in-store (depending on how nice they are)


Sometimes Ulta will send out a freebie with a code, like the eyeshadow, and that must be entered in checkout online, and you cannot use it more than once. I have only gotten one of this once; a Martix spray.

Re: Ulta GWPs

I am not an expert, but I think it varies.  I think 90% of the time they are generic, the ulta eyeshadow is the only exception to that, that I have seen lately.

Re: Ulta GWPs

Item number 2507879




Re: Ulta GWPs

Thanks for posting! Spreadsheet has been updated:)

Re: Ulta GWPs

Does anyone have any extra GWP email codes? For some reason I never get any coupons from Ulta in my email and I've got some stuff to grab today. 🙂 I'd love to snag an extra bonus! Thanks in advance and Happy Humpday!

Re: Ulta GWPs

Only freebies available right now are the Beauty Break, which is shown below, and there is a link in the spreadsheet for a deluxe Tarte mascara. Only discount codes are the $3.50 off $15 non-prestige that Ulta has listed on their site.

Re: Ulta GWPs

Thanks dd0214! I appreciate the heads up! 🙂


Also, I'm pretty new to the forums, could anyone send me the link to the spreadsheet? Thank you!

Re: Ulta GWPs

sent! 🙂 

Re: Ulta GWPs

Today's Beauty Break is up!



Re: Ulta GWPs

This would be a really awesome Beauty Break gift if I didn't already have 6,135 Too Faced bronzers and if the Sweet Peach gloss was a nicer product... Haha... Hopefully they'll keep putting out good collections like this though. Give us a NARS one Ulta... Come on... Dooooo it. 

Re: Ulta GWPs

Just to chime in about the lip oil - I have Papa Don't Peach, and it's not bad. The texture is nice IMO, and it's relatively hydrating (for someone with very dry lips this is a big deal).


However, I'm not planning on buying another one, for two reasons: 1) short wear time, and 2) it falls into lip lines and is a bit patchy. It's fine with this particular color, because it's not too far off my natural lip shade, but a brighter or darker color would probably not look good.

Re: Ulta GWPs



I agree completely, I still placed my order but I'm not a huge Too Faced fan and I've heard bad things about the peach lip oil.


I would LOVVVEE a Nars one!  I was so excited when I saw they were going to start carrying them. 🙂

Re: Ulta GWPs

Can u even imagine how quickly a Nars beauty break would sell out?  

Re: Ulta GWPs

@CaityLaine If you don't have any Too Faced I think you'll really like the bronzer at least. Their bronzers are great. The rest of their line is really hit and miss though 😕

Re: Ulta GWPs

I think this is a good beauty break! I didn't realize how many deluxe samples of the Chocolate bronzer I had until I started digging through my stash for my mom... I have like 8! And I just got the peach lipgloss as a reward from Sephora.

Re: Ulta GWPs

I rarely buy both bronzers and highlighters because I have so many samples. But, I went for this Beauty Break because I needed shampoo and conditioner and I like the Too Faced bronzer in light to medium (I only have a million samples of the darker shade, not this one) and I've been wanting to try that primer!


But yeah, a Nars Beauty Break would be amazing, even if it included a Rikugien pencil and a mini Orgasm blush.

Re: Ulta GWPs

I was thinking the same, I haven't had to buy bronzer in forever...I don't wear it to contour, just to add some color in winter and even tho I wear highlighter , I have so many.  I'm not super picky about them as long as they fit my coloring.  I have so many sample liquid highlighters....and yet I'm still considering the new cover fx...

2 Replies