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Love for Brushes

I'm developing a love for brushes of all kinds.  I bought a few higher end brushes and they are amazing.  They are incredibly soft and my makeup glides on like a dream.  There are so many interesting shapes. I am really interested in creating a beautiful brush collection.  Show your brushes and share any cleaning and storage tips and let us know which ones are your favorites.


Tom Ford Brushes.jpeg




Re: Love for Brushes

@blackkitty2014, I'd be curious to hear your thoughts on how the Hakuhodo fan brush compares to the WG one. I have the Hakuhodo one and it's very thin, which I welcome for more sparkly highlights. But I've wondered about the WG one....

Re: Love for Brushes

Hi @DiVWA! I only used it one time. I will let you know more after couple uses but I think they are almost exactly the same in term of shape and size. They are so much alike that I have a feeling Hakuhodo might be the manufacturer. Wayne Goss one might be a tiny bit denser but I think it still excellent to use with super pigmented blushes and highlighter. I used it the other day with Becca champagne pop and quite please with it. I will try to take better side by side picture tomorrow. PS Koyudo also has a similar one. I think I will try to order that as well probably around August.

Re: Love for Brushes

TY blackkitty! It sounds like I'm fine with just the Hakuhodo one. 🙂

Re: Love for Brushes

Hi @DiVWA, here are some pictures. They are very very similar. Pls note that I haven't washed the WG one and I have the Hakuhodo for almost 3 years. Hope the pictures help you to decide 😉 I do recommend his new air brush. It is sooo soft and the one you can use for contour, blusher and highlighter. I just ordered the 2nd one 🙂





Re: Love for Brushes

TY @blackkitty2014! I do think the Hakuhodo one looks like it's enough for me.


I did get the new Air Brush though. I got it to use to set my under-eye concealer. It has an interesting cut to it. I haven't used it yet but it's definitely soft.

Re: Love for Brushes

I don't know if I am reading what you wrote correctly but the Z-4 is squirrel too. The whole Z series is squirrel except the lip and brow brush. Hakuhodo calls it blue squirrel and Chikuhodo calls it grey squirrel but they are just different names for the same type of squirrel hair. 

Re: Love for Brushes

I made a mistake. Z4 is squirrel. For some silly reason I thought it was goat. That's when I know I'm getting old mixing all the facts 😉 The funny thing is I even own the brush

Re: Love for Brushes

The Airbrush looks lovely! Can't wait to get mine today! 

Re: Love for Brushes

It reminds me of Z4 but it might be a bit softer. I'm not sure. I don't have my Z4 with me at the moment

Re: Love for Brushes

@blackkitty2014 - that's interesting, I suspected that it would be just as soft because of the grey squirrel hair (Z4 is also grey squirrel I think?). I was hoping it would be less dense than the Z4. I'll post pics for anyone interested when I get home this evening 🙂

Re: Love for Brushes

You might be right.  I havent used my Z4 for the longest time so you might be right about it's grey squirrel (I prefer goat hair brush for everyday use 😉  It is less dense i think. Please do post picture and let me know what you think 😉 I dont have the Z4 with me at the moment 😉

Re: Love for Brushes

Heh, I glanced over that quickly and read "a Z4" and wondered why we were discussing cars. lmao.

Re: Love for Brushes

Hey, Z4 (the car) is also a beauty 😉

Re: Love for Brushes

Reading this thread has finally convinced me to make the plunge into spending money on quality brushes. I've been looking at Hakuhodo's site (I like the variety in options and price points) but that said: I'm lost.

Help me Obi Wan, you're my only hope!



I'm looking for a brush that'll work well with powder (loose setting powder), brush for applying/blending eyeshadow (could be one brush, could be multiple), blush brush, and something that can blend cream products (highlighters primarily, but a few blushes as well).


If anyone has a favorite for any of these things (or feels like being my hero and wants to help navigate me through all of them) I would be tremendously appreciative. I'm going cross-eyed at the moment, trying to figure this out!

Re: Love for Brushes

@frametheface It really depends on the type and size of brushes you enjoy using now. Some people like big powder brushes while others like smaller. Some like dense and other like less dense. 


I have a rather extensive Japanese brush collection and really think that Hakuhodo does the best eye brushes and white goat brushes. They also make some new amazing goat/squirrel combination brushes. 


Let me know what type of brushes you like now for those thing and I'll try to give some suggestions. 


One eye brush you definitely need is the J5523 eye brush. Apparently it is like the Mac 217 which I don't own. It is a great brush. 

Re: Love for Brushes

@frametheface. My favorite for loose setting powder is the Wayne Goss #14. I use that for the Urban Decay Naked Skin Ultra Definition Loose Setting Powder, the Ambient Lighting Powders and Meteorites as well. Needless to say, I ordered another one of these as soon as it came back in stock today 🙂

Re: Love for Brushes

Not natural hair, But I like mufe big fluffy brush for powders, it is so soft. Wayne goss -no.2 brush for powder blushes. 

Re: Love for Brushes

A while back I ordered some travel brushes for an upcoming trip (so long ago actually that I forgot about them) and they happened to arrive from CDJapan today, just in the nick of time


From left, I picked up 3 Houkoudo brushes (powder, angled and eye), the CDJapanxKoyudo yakusugi cheek (still so bummed I missed the saibikoho one), 3 very mini Koyudo Somell Garden brushes (powder, cheek and highlight) and the Chikuhodo puff.  


The puff and the CDJxKoyudo are the size you'd expect a normal blush brush or kabuki brush to be, but the others are travel brushes for fairies 😂

Re: Love for Brushes

These look so dreamy @Mochapj! the minis ones seem perfect for travel. How soft are they? I got the mini pink Koyomo ones recently. I can't stop staring at them!

Re: Love for Brushes

@PavYellow the ones on the left with the silvery handles (from Houkodou) are very soft goat hair.


The ones to the right of the FS blush brush are also goat, but aren't nearly as soft, which is as I expected for the price of them.


The black Chikuhodo at the bottom is also really soft, but I think the FS Koyudo blush brush is the softest of them all 🙂

Re: Love for Brushes

Ah the Yakusugi is grey squirrel? Is it very dense? (compared to let's say the Z4?) I'm off to google the Houkodous now 😄

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