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Waiting on refund

I did a pickup order like I always do, about 355 dollars, used my visa debit card. It’s a debit card. Didn’t like what I ordered and returned it, was told it would be immediate but the money has yet to appear in my account. I’ve done other pick up order in store returns before for 120 dollars and have gotten my money back immediately, I have a checking account and savings on my card and all the machine at Sephora did was just have me hit OK and it approved the refund, but I didn’t select an account . Why haven’t I gotten this back? I don’t wanna have to dispute back and forth between “call your bank” “call the retailer” that’s a lot of money and I need it ASAP. I’ve done this same thing before with orders of 120 dollars and got it right away, this is different. The card is the same card. 

Re: Waiting on refund

Was this ever resolved? I’m going through the same thing now

Re: Waiting on refund

@Yayra I will send you a PM. 

Re: Waiting on refund

Hi @KittyKimi,


I'm sorry to hear this and I'll send you a message.




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