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Post in Cheeky Cheeks

The Highlight Challenge

Highilght Image.jpg

Not to generalize, but I think it's fair to say a lot of us on BeautyTalk have a slight obsession when it comes to highlighter. For me, my highlight is the finishing touch before running out the door. Some days I aim for a natural look and other days I want to look like a glistening unicorn and I know I'm not alone. Many of us have a lot of love for each of our highlighters so it's time to show them off! 


Now, onto the challenge: From March 13th- April 14th let's give our highlighters some love each day by sharing details in this thread. I encourage you to get creative and be experimental with your product and technique. There are many highlight formats (liquid, powder, balms, etc.) and you can play around with the intensity of your highlight as well. Share as much or as little as you'd like, including pictures, swatches, products, tools and your favorite tips. 


Can't wait to see your lustrous highlight looks!

Re: The Highlight Challenge

Day 20- Wet N Wild Precious Petals (not pictured)

Day 21- Kevyn Auction Limelight Palette in Ibiza (not pictured)

Day 22- Mac Tutu (nutcracker palette)



Re: The Highlight Challenge

Lovely!  @gonerogue

Re: The Highlight Challenge

@Tamara76 Thank you!

Re: The Highlight Challenge

I love Tutu. I wish I had it by itself. You look gorgeous!

Re: The Highlight Challenge

@makeitup305 Love it too! Going to start wearing it more often. Such a gorgeous soft peach 🙂

Re: The Highlight Challenge

Yay! @KatieBT got me to try BlackUp Strobing Stick in Strobs 01 and I think I might love it most of all. The formula is dry like juicy chalk. It was almost like a contour stick-I could "white out" my other makeup. Katie called it a "powder finish." I love it. strobing stick.png

Re: The Highlight Challenge

Sporting many freckles after a weekend in the sun.

Re: The Highlight Challenge

Wearing Modern Mercury today. I think it might be in my top 5.


Re: The Highlight Challenge

Beautiful! @makeitup305


I wore my Modern Mercury today, too, but I had trouble capturing the highlight in photos - yours is gorgeous! ❤️

Re: The Highlight Challenge

@Tamara76 The sun sets just off of my balcony and it's on it's way down when I get home from work, so I tidy up my makeup a bit and go outside for a selfie haha

Re: The Highlight Challenge

gorgeous as always @makeitup305! love that lippie too!

Re: The Highlight Challenge

@unfungirl Thank you! The lippie is CP Dopey.

Re: The Highlight Challenge

@makeitup305 Love the highlight and love the whole look in general!

Re: The Highlight Challenge

@gonerogue Thanks!

Re: The Highlight Challenge

This is absolutely gorgeous on you! I was going to grab it when they rereleased it, but I wonder if I missed it!

Re: The Highlight Challenge

@PrettyPaint  I ordered my Modern Mercury from Selfridges (UK) last week.  Shipping is steep ($30 per order), but I upgraded to Selfridges + for $55 to receive a year of unlimited free express shipping and I've already placed two orders.  My Modern Mercury arrived in 2 days!

Re: The Highlight Challenge

@Tamara76 Ooh thanks! That is tempting for sure! Do you happen to know what carrier they use and if it required a signature? I know when they first started shipping to the US there were some weird customs issues, but hopefully the process is easier now.

Re: The Highlight Challenge

DHL and yes, signature is required.  😞


They tried to deliver my second package today while I was at work....



Re: The Highlight Challenge

@PrettyPaint Have they rereleased yet? I think it hasn't been but Estée Lauder doesn't use social media as much as some other brands do so I'm honestly not sure.

Re: The Highlight Challenge

@makeitup305 maybe they haven't rereleased it. I know it was available on Victoria Beckham's website already, but I guess it still says coming soon on the Estée Lauder site. I wish they would confirm a date! 

Re: The Highlight Challenge

@PrettyPaint I looked it up online and it said that some items were available for pre-order in February but the full second collection isn't until September.

3 Replies