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Tom Ford Updates

Tom Ford Updates 

updated 10/16


New 40 Lipsticks for sale (US): 





New 50 Lips and Girls for sale (US): 


Holiday Soliel Collection, 2017 



Available Now at Neiman Marcus: 

Holiday Soliel Palette: Violet Argente

 Orchid Soliel Collection:

Available on Tom Ford Direct: 
1 lipstick: Orchid Soleil
1 Highlighter: Nightbloom- Soliel

Re: Tom Ford Updates

Really appreciate your comments, @Anewxa, especially about how the various shades wore on you. I will take a closer look at the blushes you tried and may order samples from the company that Kate recommended. Maybe I should just buy the cheek brush instead. 🙂

Re: Tom Ford Updates

@TraceyEB I have posted comparisons in the gratis thread of Afternooner vs Flush.


The main difference is Afternooner is matte, but the colors are very similar.


I did not find Wicked to be similar to Bicoastal on my skintone.

Re: Tom Ford Updates

Appreciate the swatches, @Mochapj I'll check them out!

Re: Tom Ford Updates



My counter is having a Soleil event with cocktails, and our old pal Philippe is going to be there (As well as some kind of Vogue editor). WHAT DO I DO.

Re: Tom Ford Updates


Re: Tom Ford Updates

So awesome!! 

Re: Tom Ford Updates

OMG. WOW!  You must go and take all of our non-Soleil questions with you. What a great opportunity!

Re: Tom Ford Updates

Woooww Libel, you must go, it will be awesome for sure 😄

Re: Tom Ford Updates

definitely go, and then tell us all about it afterwards!

Re: Tom Ford Updates

Goooo!!!! I want to go with you!! Dumb Ohio never having any fun makeup parties 😞

Re: Tom Ford Updates

You are sooo lucky!

i would collate all of the questions that he couldn't answer because it wasn't soleil related and ask him for all of us. Lol


Re: Tom Ford Updates

@KateLovesYSL When the chat happened, I was to attend a master class that my counter was putting on a couple of days later. I jokingly told Mocha back then, "What if Philippe is teaching it? I should bring all of the questions he was unable to answer during the chat," never thinking he'd be there. But then the person teaching the class (who is local) totally name dropped him, as she knows him. And here we are a few weeks later :x.


Now I need to figure out how to go about this so they might just think "oh she's fine! She's just had a little bit too much champagne and is just really passionate about our brand!" And not, "She has a problem/obsessive addiction. Security!"

Re: Tom Ford Updates

@Libellules omg! please do go and ask all of the questions!! you'll be like 


Re: Tom Ford Updates

Awesome comment!! 🙂

Re: Tom Ford Updates

Show them da money - they'll never think of calling security 😛


im so jealous - that's a fab opportunity!

Re: Tom Ford Updates

Omg I want to fly there to attend this! I want him to answer all the other questions he didnt during the chat lol!

Re: Tom Ford Updates

YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO. Go, have a great time, maybe take pictures, def tell Philippe that BTers say hi 😄

Re: Tom Ford Updates


Re: Tom Ford Updates

You have to go!! Soak it all in and report back so we can live vicariously through you!

Re: Tom Ford Updates

If only I could video record 😉

Re: Tom Ford Updates

PERISCOPE!! (I know you can't but...)

19 Replies