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What are you watching? (Don't be a spoil sport - spoiler your spoilers)

We're blabbing about everything else these days, I figured I'd check in and see what people are watching when it comes to TV shows and movies!


It would be foolish to think that this thread could remain spoiler free, so let's be courteous to one another and be sure to spoiler your spoilers. If you don't know how, it's that super adorable little yellow button on the toolbar, located to the right of the bold/italic/underline/strikeout buttons. 


DONT FORGET: If you happen to be the most recent post, your first sentence or two of your post will show up EVEN IF ITS IN A SPOILER. So please take care if you're going to go dropping spoiler bombs. 


Anywho... I just saw the movie PHOENIX last night and it was absolutely spectacular. Like Academy Award spectacular. If you're fortunate enough have showings in your area, I cannot urge you enough to go see it. 


So whatcha'll watchin' these days? What are you anxiously waiting for to start back up? 

Re: What are you watching? (Don't be a spoil sport - spoiler your spoilers)

Obsessed with AHS! It keeps me captivated, and Lady Gaga absolutely killed it in Hotel! I am SO glad she will be back for the next season, too! She is perfect for the show.

Re: What are you watching? (Don't be a spoil sport - spoiler your spoilers)

Oh my goodness...I was late getting on the AHS bandwagon, but I finished freak show about a month ago. It's crazy! I'm waiting for hotel to get to Amazon or Netflix!

Re: What are you watching? (Don't be a spoil sport - spoiler your spoilers)

It's funny because I tend to like every other season oh AHS:

-Loved Murder House

-Hated Asylum

-Loved Coven

-Hated Freak Show

-Loved Hotel


Hope Season 6 breaks the pattern - lol!

Re: What are you watching? (Don't be a spoil sport - spoiler your spoilers)





meow meow meow ❤️

Re: What are you watching? (Don't be a spoil sport - spoiler your spoilers)

I am so loving Preacher!







Love Cassidy! What a great lad, eh? 😛



Re: What are you watching? (Don't be a spoil sport - spoiler your spoilers)

I'm so excited for this!  We're reading the comics first but are starting the show on Monday.  I'm obscenely excited!

Re: What are you watching? (Don't be a spoil sport - spoiler your spoilers)

I haven't read the comic, but my fiancé did a while back. He says some things are different, so hopefully you won't find it off-putting!


I'm really enjoying it, though! All the characters are pretty great, and Preacher is a baaaaaaaaaaabe. Sha-wing!

Re: What are you watching? (Don't be a spoil sport - spoiler your spoilers)

Yes, I love Dominic Cooper.  I'd been meaning to read the comic and when I saw he was in the show that sold it!

<insert eyebrow wiggle>

Re: What are you watching? (Don't be a spoil sport - spoiler your spoilers)

My son and I are two episodes into Preacher and so far, it's great!


Luckily, he read the comics so he has been helping to clue me in on some things that would have otherwise confused me :).

Re: What are you watching? (Don't be a spoil sport - spoiler your spoilers)

hahah like Arseface?!


My mom watched the first episode before me and was texting me, "there is a character who looks like he has a butth*le for a mouth?!"

Re: What are you watching? (Don't be a spoil sport - spoiler your spoilers)

Anyone watching Containment, Wayward Pines, or American Gothic this summer? I'm gradually losing some interest in Wayward Pines. Containment has kept my interest with the busy storyline. I'm not sure how graphic or disturbing American Gothic is going to get, but it looks really interesting.

Re: What are you watching? (Don't be a spoil sport - spoiler your spoilers)

Wayward Pines was definitely slower moving this season, but I thought the finale was still great!

Re: What are you watching? (Don't be a spoil sport - spoiler your spoilers)

Yes! It was worth hanging through the slower parts. I think it's an M. Night Shyamalan production, and it seems like all of his work has that same kind of pace where it feels agonizingly slow because everything is just groundwork for the shocking twist towards the end. I want to watch the season again.

Re: What are you watching? (Don't be a spoil sport - spoiler your spoilers)

I was only half paying attention to Wayward Pines this season, but after episode 7, I went back to binge watch the season to catch all the minor things I hadn't paid attention to. I'm now invested in watching the rest of the season and hoping ep 7 wasn't a fluke.

Re: What are you watching? (Don't be a spoil sport - spoiler your spoilers)

The pace eventually picks up. I think they had maybe one too many slower episodes, but I'm glad I kept watching.

Re: What are you watching? (Don't be a spoil sport - spoiler your spoilers)

Yes to Containment and Wayward Pines.


Love Containment!   Loved last season of Wayward Pines, but not sure if this one will hold my interest....

Re: What are you watching? (Don't be a spoil sport - spoiler your spoilers)

I'm actually surprised they did another season of Wayward Pines. I keep waiting for some kind of earth shattering revelation. It has been dragging though.

And killing off way too many main characters in my opinion. There isn't too much interest in the new main characters.

Re: What are you watching? (Don't be a spoil sport - spoiler your spoilers)

I haven't checked any of these out.  What is Containment?

Re: What are you watching? (Don't be a spoil sport - spoiler your spoilers)

@laketom, it is about a virus epidemic (possible bio-warfare? Government experiment gone wrong?) in current-day Atlanta in which several city blocks are quarantined - it focuses on a few key quarantine inhabitants and a few people outside the quarantine and the chaos that ensues.  It's pretty good.  🙂

Re: What are you watching? (Don't be a spoil sport - spoiler your spoilers)

Thanks @Tamara76. I love those kinds of shows and will check it out ASAP!  

Re: What are you watching? (Don't be a spoil sport - spoiler your spoilers)

Ooh this sounds like the type of show I'd love. I'll have to check it out.
