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Pet Paradise

Show off pics of your pets, tell stories, anything you want to share about those special animals in your life 🙂 Post as much and as often as you want!

Here are are my fluff babies DJ and Gunner (also called Lulu or Lou). They are mother and daughter. DJ is my baby and Gunner is a daddy's girl. They are approximately 9 years old and very spoiled!

This is DJ. She loves to be near me.

Miss Gunner Lou loves her catnip carrot


Re: Pet Paradise

Oh my goodness, this is adorable!!

Anonymous Insider

Re: Pet Paradise


Re: Pet Paradise

What a cutie! I wish my dogs would let me dress them up but they won't have it at all😜

Re: Pet Paradise

This is a RARE photo of him staying still. He did all he could to get this off of him....and succeeded. 

Re: Pet Paradise

He is so cute! ❤

Re: Pet Paradise

Anyone else have a couple wifi cameras set up in their home solely to check on their pets while at work?


Or am I a kitty-creep.... ?

Re: Pet Paradise

I want one to check on them when we go away for a weekend or something. I work at home so I see my kitties all day

Re: Pet Paradise

Not a kitty creep at all. I wished I had one when we had a Golden who would sneak on the bed while we were gone and then look like an angel when we came home. Or else one of the 2 would tip over the bathroom basket, we never figured out who it was.

Re: Pet Paradise

We did this for a couple days before getting the security camaera set up outside the house.  It was slighlty heartbreaking, our dog has full run of the house.  All she did was get out of her bed to chew her bone in the middle of the floor for a bit, but mostly spent her time in her bed/crate.  I felt so bad for the poor little pup.  Good thing she only is left alone for a few hours at a time...


ETA - not a kitty-creep at all!

Re: Pet Paradise

Ive been meaning to get one of those cameras where you can look at your pet and talk to them. lol

Re: Pet Paradise

*spoiler alert*

They sleep ALL DAY.


But I love that I can check on them.

Re: Pet Paradise


Re: Pet Paradise

one of my clients just got a new goldendoodle puppy! he's super snuggly and has the best puppy breath ever! bbbb.jpg

Re: Pet Paradise

He's so cute and fluffy

Re: Pet Paradise

omg he's so perfect 😍😍😍

Re: Pet Paradise


Re: Pet Paradise

Golden doodles are so cute!  What an adorable pup!!

Re: Pet Paradise

he's a mini so he's so tiny and cute!! 

Re: Pet Paradise

For some reason it takes twice as long to wrap gifts when my dog helps....


Re: Pet Paradise

hehe you're dog is helping to hold it in place, duh!

Re: Pet Paradise


5 Replies