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Post in Acne-Prone Skin



 Hiii, my skin is oily and acne-prone as well, after I started using BC Patch its became worse. As seen in the picture, this is what i use at night. Glycolic Acid as toner, Cosrx Snail Essence, with La Roche-Posay Effaclar Duo Acne Treatment Lotion  with Argan oil on top of it. I did some research if it okay to layer these products but I just wanted to make sure and I'm also open to any recommendations you guys can give. I just wanna lessen and prevent them. Thank youuu

Re: Acne

Your nighttime routine sounds similar to what I've been doing, and it's great that you're being proactive about researching if it's okay to layer those products. It's always a good idea to make sure you're using them correctly. Speaking of research, I recently came across a dermatology reference textbook that's been a game-changer for me. It's packed with valuable information about skincare and treatments. Here's the link: I'm still trying to navigate through the debris of different skincare products, hoping to find what works best for my skin.

Re: Acne

Whenever I get a breakout, this is what I use:


1st day: Hero Pimple Patch

(This really sucks up all the puss in the pimple/pimples)


2nd day: CVS Targeted Acne Spot Treatment

(It’s really cheap and works wonders to heal the breakout!)


Then I just apply The Ordinary Niacinamide 10% + Zinc 1% to reduce redness (I know it’s for oil control but it also in my case reduces the redness and inflammation). I just keep applying it until the redness is very minor.


This is just what works for me!


Re: Acne

Using two acids every night can really strip your barrier and lead to more breakouts. I love using the ordinary glycolic as a regular toner then the la roche posay as a spot treatment.

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