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How much money have you spent at Sephora this year??

Come on guys. Be honest. We are three months in and I just want to make sure I'm not the only one whose already spent a lot of money on Sephora.

Re: How much money have you spent at Sephora this year??

1.2 million so far for 2024! keep up the good work ladies!😎

Re: How much money have you spent at Sephora this year??

I haven't re-rouged yet, so that's a good sign @LuvAurora46 

Re: How much money have you spent at Sephora this year??

@LuvAurora46  Oooh I'm guilty as charged and you are not alone. I definitely spent some monies here this year. 🙈

But I think it's all within reason and not too overboard. 😉 But this is a judgment free zone right? If any one understands it's the BIC crowd here that gets it. 💄 🛍💸


I'm curious thou, what's your favorite thing you've picked up this year??

Re: How much money have you spent at Sephora this year??

I finally bought the glow Recipe toner. It's good but I'm starting to wonder if I made the right choice.

Re: How much money have you spent at Sephora this year??

@LuvAurora46 I completely understand I purchased Ren toner, loved it for weeks and now not so much.  If you find a toner you like let me know 

Re: How much money have you spent at Sephora this year??

Shockingly I haven’t spent very much this year @LuvAurora46. That will definitely change next month during the sale though😂 Usually by this time I’m already close to re- rougeing.

Re: How much money have you spent at Sephora this year??

@LuvAurora46 @Surprisingly not that much. 

Re: How much money have you spent at Sephora this year??

Sorry I have been good this year (so far) only restocked things I need.  I know that won't last. @LuvAurora46 

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