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Beauty Pet Peeves 2

The other thread was getting too long and difficult to load! 


So what are your beauty pet peeves? What grinds your gears? Share your stories!!!


Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

Trying to contact Ulta CS about how crummy their site has been, only to not have the form go through because their site is crummy!

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

How about contact-- err um Sephora?? About price matching? And exchanging exact items from the sale? They took -almost 10 days to get to me? Then charge me full price to exchange? Hello??? What's that about 


Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

Omg, literally when I was like about to use my highlighter I got BARELY ANY. And the tube still has SO much more product in it! I was using high beam liquid highlighter I think. I do have like a pallet of highlighter but it’s gold and looks weird on my skin. I just wish I could get the rest of the product out of the container! 🤪

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@KALIANNALINAIA  I highly encourage performing surgery with on ‘empty’ beauty products.  There is ALWAYS a large amount of product still in there and with the price per ounce of beauty products it is foolish not to get access to every drop you paid for. Travel makeup containers and lipgloss spatulas are very handy to own for this very reason.  I like to keep a few empty sample containers on hand for emptying the last of full sized products into.  
if you have a highlighter that’s too gold, scrape some powder off and mix it into a drop of foundation on the back of your hand.  Your foundation likely has some pink tones in it if gold highlighter doesn’t seamlessly blend into your skin, and it will neutralize the gold a little.  Then apply it.  It will make a more subtle glow that doesn’t look like a gold streak.  

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

Maybe try to store it upside down? ❤️

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

I had a Kate McLeod Unscented Stone Solid Body Moisturizer and I have no idea what happened to it. I don’t remember if I threw it out because I felt it was old or by accident but I can’t find it anywhere. Ugh, an expensive mistake.

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

Oh no, I hate this too! @makeitup305 I’m sure it will turn up! 

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@makeitup305  Ugh, when you know you own something and it’s nowhere…. This is how many deep cleans begin.  Hmmm, did it get misfiled in with soaps?  Is it under a moisturizer bottle?  Those would be the two areas I’d check first.  

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@heartsmyface I’ve checked the whole area. it’s just a little corner of my bathroom between my sink and tub so idk where it could have gone if I didn’t toss it.

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

Ugh, I hate when that happens @makeitup305!  I did that with a Cle De Peau concealer. I have no idea where it went☹️

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@faeriegirl @heartsmyface I haven’t traveled with it or taken it anywhere so I wonder if I threw it away since it was just in a little wrap not a container 😞

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@faeriegirl  Ahhhhh, this drives me nuts!!! I have done the same thing to a Gucci lip liner!!  I have no clue where it is!  The temptation is there to replace it but I haven’t gone through EVERY pocket and purse yet so I feel like I will unnecessarily have two.  So for the time being I have none😭 

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

1. Being locked out of Beauty insider community due to sign in bugs! 😩

2. Seeing products you want a day after the sale ends! 😡

3. Spending time tagging a bunch of products products for a gallery post but it won’t post. Like, please just give me an error before I waste my time! 🙄

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

Grrrr, okay, well I guess the bugs are just all over the place. Today, I’m in the app, and I can actually get to the reply box. I can see that @WinglessOne has replied from the main page (a preview of her reply) about how to avoid the app, and then I can see 7 replies, but I can only see 3 replies, none of which are the one from @WinglessOne ! Is that everyone else’s experience too, or is it another random bug?


Perhaps this is why I found the app mostly useless for community purposes in the past. Well, I’ll see if I can get in to community on the iPad!! 


Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

me rn after the sale ended wanting so much more stuff 😭 🩷💛

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

Tech issues are a pain @sister13 

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@sister13  Ugh the bugs still get me periodically.  They got me this morning.  What’s the point in having a ‘stay signed in’ option if I’m getting signed out regardless?  I spend more money if I’m signed in so it’s truly in their best interest to fix it.   

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@sister13 the login bugs are pretty pervasive. I have to go to the Sephora main page, sign out, and then sign back in and from there go the the community tab. Nothing else works. However, my app sign in seems to be working better so there’s hope. @SportyGirly125 has posted about the issues in the gallery, too. 

There’s a bunch of products that I want that just released. I needed an extra week Sephora !

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

There is also an inconsistent payment experience, I can’t remember which lets me pay which way, one wouldn’t accept my credit card or Apple Pay and one won’t load PayPal so I definitely just didn’t buy anything a time or two, so it’s for sure saving me/losing them money! @heartsmyface 

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

I just redownloaded the app last night and turns out I can sign in on the app, but can’t reply! Is that just me? I can post a new thread but reply just spins and spins.


I also can't see notifications- can anyone point out where those are in the app? I can see my inbox but not notifications. 


Also, in app I I tried posting in gallery, which I can’t do on mobile (have basically never been able to) and it actually worked (but only some of the time). I could also see reviews history on the app that I can’t see on mobile or desktop.

Does anyone know if there’s a way to force the mobile site to load in mobile browser instead of flipping you to the app? I wish I could have both options, otherwise I have to keep downloading and deleting the app. 

For a while, I was able to get in on mobile by closing all my tabs and going to, then navigating to the community. Then, for a while I could sign out and sign back in but then last week, nothing worked.


@makeitup305 @makeitup305 @heartsmyface 

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@sister13 I don't think notifications show up on the app, at least not on my Android. I get the little envelope for messages but not the bell for notifications. I hate using the app for BIC because it won't let you follow a long thread of replys to a comment. 
