Diary Entry No. 4: The Surprise BIC Baby Shower!
I arrived in LA the Thursday before the event because I wanted to give myself the time to rest and recuperate before the weekend actually started. This is something that was a learned lesson from last year because it was so hard to catch up on decent sleep with the condensed time schedule. For reference, last year @Tamara76 and I flew in on Friday before the event and went straight to Disneyland for a few hours then went to dinner with the gals. We were on a VERY tight schedule 😄 I am fully in favor of recreating this longer weekend next year!
A group of BIC gal pals and I had all planned on coming in that same day so it was really fun when each new arrival would pop in to my room to say hi! @heartsmyface looked like she just waltzed off a runway looking so chic with heels to boot. Y'all, she was in that outfit ALL day! In the airport chasing around her toddler and everything. She is literal goals.
We had a standing dinner planned on the books from last year to kickoff the amazing weekend ahead and we were all very excited
@julz385 has been wanting to go to a popular restaurant on Melrose called TomTom for so long, so we all indulged her and agreed to go there.
The restaurant was so beautifully decorated, if you are able to go I definitely recommend it!

As we sat down, some of the girls started to hand out some emotional swag
@shimmerbait and Juli had made us the most adorable Sephoria Survival Kits with all the necessities we would need inside an adorable unicorn pouch. They even had llama gummies!! darkiceis and jen143xo had made us all matching BIC lanyards with our names printed on them, it made us look so official 😄
The food was delicious, and while I ordered an entree the appetizers were more than filling! Highly recommend trying out their avocado purses and spicy cauliflower wings 😮
After our appetizers, Juli stood up to make a toast to our group. It was all normal until she revealed that there was an ulterior motive to this dinner, they all wanted to throw me a surprise baby shower! *cue all the tears* Seriously how could they just spring this onto an emotional pregnant woman and not expect a puddle of tears?! It was the most surprising and touching gesture from this amazing group of women who have become my very best friends
They all excitedly started pulling out gifts like magic and handing them to me, where did they come from?!
Best Auntourage Babycakes could ever ask for!
The smiles on all of their faces and the love coming from them is something I will never forget
This community brought us all together, and here we are many many years later being able to enjoy major life moments with each other. I feel so blessed to know each of them and for them to already love Babycakes as much as I do
I can't thank each of them enough for the heartfelt surprise, and yes I promise to take all the pictures when she can wear all of your amazing gifts!
Just wait until y'all see the cuteness! Are you ready for this? *squeee*
Thank you aunt @julz385 ❤️
Thank you aunt @ElleElleG ❤️
Thank you aunt @Tamara76 ❤️
Thank you aunt @heartsmyface ❤️
Thank you aunt @shimmerbait ❤️
Thank you aunt @jen143xo ❤️
Thank you aunt @darkiceis ❤️
Also, HUGE thank you to aunt @ZombieMetroAnt for shipping all this back to me and other things 😄 There was NO WAY I could fit all this plus 3 sessions worth of swag into my luggage 😄 I tried and failed. I'm still waiting for another box which contains her gift too, I'll post that when it comes. It is SO cute

This perfect evening just got me so pumped for the rest of the magical weekend ahead
Thank you ladies x a million!!!!