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Beauty Insider Community Feedback

Hello beautiful Beauty Insider Community members! 


We’re starting this thread for you guys to report any issues and weird things that you are seeing or ask any questions. We have a number of issues logged that we are already working on a fix for, so this is a work in process.


Some things to note as you are reporting issues:

  • If you are looking for a thread and can’t find it, please post here. We’ll need to manually move some threads that got lost in the migration to their correct groups.
  • If you are reporting a bug please be specific about the issue you're seeing, how you got there (“I clicked here and it did *this*”), the device you're using and which browser you're in. 


Some tips:

  • If you are looking for a thread that you commented on in the old community, go to the front page of conversations and click the “My Posts” tab. This is where you will find all of your conversations activity, including your heart count.


It’s good to see you all and thanks for being patient!


Whenever reporting a bug we need as much info as possible or our tech team cannot reproduce the issue and verify it's actually occurring. If they can't see the issue they cannot fix it. You cannot overshare details, test on too many devices or share too many screenshots... The more detail the better!

Re: Beauty Insider Community Feedback

 Here are my settings to compare:











Re: Beauty Insider Community Feedback

Time stamps...2 questions/issues:

As a preface, I use the "absolute" setting instead of the "relative" setting.

1. Can you please either make times display as military time, or add AM/PM indicators? The current display is based on 12 hours, but doesn't state AM/PM. 

2. When I click on "My Posts" from the conversations page, all of my posts display with Pacific Time even though my account is set to Central. When I click through to a particular post, the time reverts back to Central as it should, but the My Posts list needs to be fixed. (EDIT: just noticed times are all wrong on the main Conversations page too...they all show the latest post with Pacific time instead of Central time)

Re: Beauty Insider Community Feedback

Idk about computers because I never use mine. (Drives hubs batty since he bought it) but yeah, I really like the new layout. I don't get what the groups are for and could do without the 8 billion notifications (I think/hope I got that sorted😂) but yeah. Easier to use the forum on my phone which is how I'm usually rolling. Sooooo thank you? I think? ☺️🤗

Re: Beauty Insider Community Feedback

Ok, I'm really sad because I can't join my tribe! The site won't let me join the Besides Beauty and Haul Stars groups 😞 Is there a cap on groups you can join or who can join a certain group? I'm sure I joined those last night but it seems I've been booted off 😞

 mermaids GIF

Re: Beauty Insider Community Feedback

I'm sure it's a glitch and it will hopefully get fixed soon!

Mcakes wrote:

Ok, I'm really sad because I can't join my tribe! The site won't let me join the Besides Beauty and Haul Stars groups 😞 Is there a cap on groups you can join or who can join a certain group? I'm sure I joined those last night but it seems I've been booted off 😞

 mermaids GIF


Re: Beauty Insider Community Feedback

I'm on Firefox (desktop,) when I click on a user's name it brings me to the and half the page is blank.

Re: Beauty Insider Community Feedback

I'm having the same problem, and my browser is Chrome.

Re: Beauty Insider Community Feedback

I'm having that problem on both my laptop and my Android phone.

Re: Beauty Insider Community Feedback

Hi @KatieBT, I can't find the Daily Skincare thread. @greenchilli is the author. Did it make it? What about Natural Skincare? Thanks! 

Re: Beauty Insider Community Feedback



My Daily skincare thread hasn't made it.


There are 47 groups by my count.  That is too many and dilutes the advantage of groups.  Now skincare stuff is scattered everywhere.  I find myself joining more and more groups because they are similar and could have threads I might be interested in.  I might end up joining every group and that defeats the purpose.



Oily, combo, natural, acne.....they should all be under Skincare.  Otherwise it dilutes the audience.  Oily skin may be acneaic, and interested in natural skincare.

Re: Beauty Insider Community Feedback

Every time I try to click over to the next page of "Most Recent" posts, I get an error message that the page cannot be found. No matter if it's page 2, 3, etc. I also can't seem to give hearts anymore. Nothing happens when I click on any of them. Any plans to introduce a feature to let us make multiple lists? That was the speculation in the teaser thread posted a few weeks ago, and that's what I was really hoping for 😞

Re: Beauty Insider Community Feedback

Hi @iris67! You should be able to give hearts. What device and browser are you on? 


Multiple loves lists would be AMAZING! This is more difficult to implement than it sounds but it's been on our loves list for a while 😉 

Re: Beauty Insider Community Feedback

@KatieBT I am using Chrome and Safari on a Macbook. No change today, can't leave any hearts or access pages after the first "community.sephora" page on either browser 😕 I've also noticed replying to comments now takes you to a separate page. Can you guys bring back the same-page replies? It's quite annoying and inconvenient to have to flip back and forth.

Re: Beauty Insider Community Feedback

I am going to need a glass of wine to figure some things out.


Honestly, I feel like "Conversations" is really "Off-Topic" not unless you  join certain groups. Then those threads show up in conversations.  I guess this was done so people could filter out the threads that they don't want to see?

Re: Beauty Insider Community Feedback

Hello There!


So I know that that posts are still being migrated, but I was trying to find the Huda Beauty Thread but I can't find. I'll wait a few days to see if it migrates over instead of creating a new one because I know its not a super active thread, but I'm hoping that will change 🙂

Re: Beauty Insider Community Feedback

Hi @Amreeners! A lot of our threads are taking some time to move over, it may take a few days for everything to migrate over 🙂 

Re: Beauty Insider Community Feedback

Went to write a review on a recent purchase and must be dense....can't figure out where to do so? 

Re: Beauty Insider Community Feedback

If I may be completely honest, I don't like the new layout/format one bit. Is this how things will stay for good, or is it work in progress? I sure hope you won't leave this terrible eye straining font and all the whiteness ( the combo of both, probably? ) the way it is now? It's absolutely terrible! I am trying to navigate around and get familiar with new stuff, but this is giving me headache.


If you made this to be good for phones ( which I don't care about one bit as I don't use my phone for hanging out on BT/Sephora, but I also understand that a lot of people do and even prefer ), will you also make something more user friendly for desktops/laptops?

Re: Beauty Insider Community Feedback

I'm not a fan of the desktop version. It 's the same as the mobile version,not in a good way.  I'm hoping that the format can be changed a bit.

Re: Beauty Insider Community Feedback

I just started getting a million emails again and I'm positive that I unsubscribed from everything!

Re: Beauty Insider Community Feedback

So did I, I had over 200 emails. Thank goodness that madness has stopped.

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