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(Stupid) hormonal skin

Hey all,

So my skin is usually okay before I get my period but after I finish its a week or 2 worth of my skin losing it. My face becomes inflamed, greasy and dry (patches), and I get small zits around my mouth. Besides eating healthy and drinking water, is there any products that will calm my skin down? 

Thank you! 

Re: (Stupid) hormonal skin

@RoseGoldQueen21 Have you ever thought of supplements? I take Moody Bird by HUM Nutrition daily. I use to to relieve my symptoms of PMS but it can also balance your hormone levels that cause breakouts. I’m very fortunate to not have those issues, but they also drastically alleviate hormonal breakouts when taken daily. If you’re not comfortable with supplements, I would suggest using Sunday Riley’s Saturn Mask. Use it as a spot treatment where your breakouts occur and it will calm them down very quickly. 

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