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Is anyone getting an allergic reaction from the Fenty Beauty Gloss bomb?

I love the shade and everything but just feel like I'm allergic to it. I've been getting some cuts on my lips. Is anyone else experiencing the same?

Re: Is anyone getting an allergic reaction from the Fenty Beauty Gloss bomb?

No ma’am that is awful i most certainly would have contact someone for advice 

Re: Is anyone getting an allergic reaction from the Fenty Beauty Gloss bomb?

Oh wow, I thought it was just me and my overly sensitive skin.  I got one of these as a gift when I purchased mascara and another color of the Gloss Bomb.  I tried it inside my home, loved it and had no issues.  I then used it twice as gloss one weekend when I was out with my boyfriend.  Part of the time we were out was during daylight hours and the other time was after dark.  I did notice it burned quite a bit each time I applied it which I attributed to the capsicum in it.  12 hours later I woke up with severely chapped lips with hive-like bumps all around both lips.  The following day they started peeling.  I had to use cortisone cream for 3 days to get my lips back to normal.  Fast forward 2 weeks and once again I am doing a weekend trip away with the boyfriend and I'm outside in the sun, using the gloss only.  The next morning I woke up with slightly itchy lips and a few hive-like bumps again.  By that evening my lips were chapped and flaky again. I was about ready to accuse my boyfriend of stepping out on me and giving me some sort of virus. LMBO  Thankfully I did a web search for Fenty Gloss Bomb and chapped lips and found this thread.  So glad to know my BF is in the clear. (For real though, he's very honest and faithful...but your mind will go there on occasion). So I guess I will now call the Fenty folks and complain about this product and hopefully get my money back for the one I actually bought.  Considering it takes a full week for my lips to get back to normal, I definitely won't be using it again.

Re: Is anyone getting an allergic reaction from the Fenty Beauty Gloss bomb?

@stevielynne28 hi, if you got the chance to take some pictures of your lips while having the issue, I highly suggest you to send them to the fenty team, so they will see the issue. Sometimes beauty companies don't believe you if they don't see pictures or proof of what you're saying. Good luck, hope your lips are getting better!

Re: Is anyone getting an allergic reaction from the Fenty Beauty Gloss bomb?

I think I am currently going through a BAD allergic reaction to the new Fenty Heat Gloss Bomb. I went to urgent care and my doctor thinking it was maybe my first cold sore out break but they said it does not resemble that. The only new thing I’ve tried since this started has been the new gloss bomb. I’m so sad because it was an amazing color on me and definitely helped make my lips look full. But I don’t need them this full with a reaction 🙃

Re: Is anyone getting an allergic reaction from the Fenty Beauty Gloss bomb?

I had a similar problem. I was using Fenty Gloss Bomb today and the bottom right of my lip started to feel sensitive. I thought I was getting a black head around my lip line - when I went to look in the mirror I saw a line of small pimple like bumps on my actual lip. 
My bottom lip is still sore and inflated - very uncomfortable and dry. Will be throwing away the product. 

Is anyone getting an allergic reaction from the Fenty Beauty Gloss bomb?

@Rosh93 omg yes!!!!

RE: Is anyone getting an allergic reaction from the Fenty Beauty Gloss bomb?

Ohhh noo!!

Re: Is anyone getting an allergic reaction from the Fenty Beauty Gloss bomb?

I had the same reaction recently while wearing Fenty Lip Bomb.  I have worn off and on since January with no problem, 2 days ago I wore it And was under direct sunlight, a combination missing during the previous few months.  I Believe this product contains some ingredient that contributes to ‘Sun rash/ Photosensitivity’ in some people. A sun rash has symptoms of blisters, itchy red patches, burning sensation, raised or rough patches of skin.  I love this lip gloss and hope the company can find the photosensitivity producing ingredient ‘culprit’ and remove or replace it..wondered if anyone else noticed the same combination of sun and lipgloss producing the symptoms listed in these posts.  I’m using A and D ointment ..which looks like a clear gloss! to help while my lips are healing..

RE: Re: Is anyone getting an allergic reaction from the Fenty Beauty Gloss bomb?

Yeahhh, that’s what happened to me during the winter it was fine but the reaction started during the summer 😞 Yeahh I hope they change the ingredients!

Re: Is anyone getting an allergic reaction from the Fenty Beauty Gloss bomb?

I got the same reactions but not from the gloss balm but from the liquid lipstick stunna lip 😞 

Re: Is anyone getting an allergic reaction from the Fenty Beauty Gloss bomb?

Ughhhhh I loved my lip glass bomb. However I have now broken out on my bottom left lip as of 11/30/2019. A brown small patch has occurred on my lip that feels rough and has tiny lil hives on it. I’m using fresh Aloe Vera and castor oil to moisturize my lips I will update later. 

@Rosh93 wrote:
I love the shade and everything but just feel like I'm allergic to it. I've been getting some cuts on my lips. Is anyone else experiencing the same?


Anonymous Insider

Re: Is anyone getting an allergic reaction from the Fenty Beauty Gloss bomb?

Yes ! At first I didn’t realize it was the gloss doing it to me. But it’s the third time this happens to me now. I have little blisters all over my lips, swelling, and then after it goes away my lips are SUPER dry and chapped.  9F89BC60-C42C-4483-BF58-9633C22686AD.jpeg


Re: Is anyone getting an allergic reaction from the Fenty Beauty Gloss bomb?

Omg I have had the same reaction. My lips look exactly like yours and I have all the symptoms you mentioned 

Re: Is anyone getting an allergic reaction from the Fenty Beauty Gloss bomb?

My lips look exactly like this. Looks like they still haven't changed the ingredients

Re: Is anyone getting an allergic reaction from the Fenty Beauty Gloss bomb?

Yes! I have no idea why my lips broke out to the gloss! I wore it everyday until I just stopped and realized that my lips were extremely dry and burning. Nothing changed except for me wearing the gloss bomb! Now I have hives or this weird looking rash onmy lips that looks really disgusting. The only thing that stop the dryness and burning was Carmex as far as the rash I don't know.



Re: Is anyone getting an allergic reaction from the Fenty Beauty Gloss bomb?

This what happened to me after I use gloss bomb, put it on January 17th and it's just now starting to heal



Re: Is anyone getting an allergic reaction from the Fenty Beauty Gloss bomb?

OMG 😲!!! I Never new


this was a thing. My lips broke out and hives after using Ruby Kisses Butter Bomb gloss. I normaly use a different brand of lip gloss for a base coat and then the RK BB gloss over it. I changed it up one day and decided to just use RK BB Gloss. My lip gloss was popping and then got dry after like 2 hours of wearing so ofcourse I applied more. By the end of the day I had very fine bumps/hives on my lips. It felt like hair bumps but it was so dry over next the day of use. I realized then it was the lips gloss. Long story short the best thing to use is a piece of fresh cut Aloe plant. It's natural and most people are not allergic to it. Put the Aloe in fridge and let chill or freeze and then cut the thrones off the sides and cut down the middle. Rub all over lips! Smooch kiss the Aloe as frequently as possible at then end of the night let lips dry out and repeat for the next day. The chilled Aloe will reduce swelling any tight feeling and redness and soreness!

Re: Is anyone getting an allergic reaction from the Fenty Beauty Gloss bomb?


same reaction to Fenty gloss Bomb shade Fussy! I felt a weird reaction but wasn’t sure from what ! Used it for like 5 additional days and even shared with my daughter!!! The gloss felt great on lips at first but something wasn’t right and caused my lips to react this way. When I seen another review with the same exact cracking lips! I realized it was the lip bomb 

RE: Re: Is anyone getting an allergic reaction from the Fenty Beauty Gloss bomb?

I’ve have the same exact reaction: rough patch on my lips that burn and eventually turn into hives. Aquaphor has helped with the dryness, but I still have hives.

Re: Is anyone getting an allergic reaction from the Fenty Beauty Gloss bomb?

Hi, since u started using Carmex have ur lips cleared up? I started reusing my gloss bomb this week. I had a reaction back in Oct but then I was switching off lip glosses over that week & I couldn’t narrow it down to this product. Well this time, it’s narrowed. I used it for 3 days & my lips hv hives, itching & chapped. I’m so sad, bc I ❤️ this gloss. Hv to toss it. Pls share remedy to clear ur lips. 🙁

Re: Is anyone getting an allergic reaction from the Fenty Beauty Gloss bomb?

Cortisone cream applied to my lips 2-3 times daily helped clear mine up in about 2-3 days.


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