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Am I to young?


As of now I am 13 (save me), and i wanted some peoples opinions! 

I don't necessarily like the way I look and do  have enough (of my own hard earned) money to buy anything I want/need. My question is, Am I to young? I am in 8th grade and am very self conscious about my looks. I feel like next year I want to go to school a completely different person. I've started watching hours upon hours of makeup tutorials.

Just wondering, thanks for your time!

Am I to young?

That's funny, thirteen is when my parents started letting me wear makeup. Unfortunately, it was the 80s and I invested heavily in blue eye shadow and looked like a psychotic clown. My advice would be to split your time and money between skin care and makeup so you keep your skin clear, and practice practice practice your makeup until you develop a light hand. There are lots of great products available now like BB creams that take care of your skin while providing a natural beauty look. You're going to experiment with a lot of different looks and develop different skills for different occasions, but beware of bloggers who oversell products. The more products they push, the more we money they make. I don't know when drag queen became the standard every day makeup look, but know that you don't need that much makeup to look beautiful. Those are great skills to develop, but it's also great to learn how to do a cute look with three or four products. It's also okay to have days when you don't feel like wearing any makeup at all. There are a million ways to express yourself with makeup, but the real challenge is to find the beauty in yourself in every way you express yourself.

RE: Am I to young?

I don’t think you’re too young to wear makeup. That’s a personal choice and completely up to you. At 13 a lot of my friends were wearing mascara and lipstick. I, however, am 25 and still don’t wear makeup, I’m just here for the skincare stuff. Both are fine. If you like it and it makes you feel good about yourself, go for it. But don’t expect makeup to be a one-step solution to all your problems either. It’ll be a step, it’ll help, but it won’t fix it all. It’s something you’ll work at everyday and that’s just something everyone goes through. I also implore you start thinking about skincare if you don’t already as you begin to add makeup. Make sure you’ve got some sunscreen to protect your skin. A cleanser that takes away grime and dirt, and be aware that with makeup you may or may not have to change up your cleansing routine to ensure your makeup gets taken off as well. A moisturizer is also a must if you don’t already have that. I say this because having good skin makes makeup application much better (or so the YouTubers I watch say lol). Bottom line: go for the makeup, but make sure you’re still taking care of your skin 🙂 And have fun with the makeup too!

Re: Am I to young?

Hi ewwhy!

Well you're never too young to love being a girl and all the fun bits that come with it, like skin-care and make-up.  Hardly any of us think we're the perfect beauty that we see in the ads but, no one is - not even them! Just remind yourself they're all photo-shopped (former-model) and that looking fabulous may attract some people but it will be your personality that keeps them coming back!

My advice, find what you love best about your look: eyes, lips, hair, etc?... and play it up - have fun with it... own it! ❤️ LibraKitty

Re: Am I to young?

Looks and self confidence can be extremely hard. Im 17 about to turn 18, and i just graduated high school, and I definitely have had struggles in the past, so being too young to feel that way; never. You can definitely use your money for skincare or makeup, use it because its fun and you love it. As hard as it is TRUST me when i say gaining self confidence is hard but if you constantly chip at it, you should get to a better place. Don't use makeup because you feel like you need it, and it's probably easier said than done but either way keep working on building yourself 🙂

Re: Am I to young?

In 30 years time youll look back on the young @ewwhy and realize just how pretty you were and that you were hard on yourself! However in the meantime if youre feeling like a little confidence boost or want to dabble with your looks then using make up is probably a harmless and fun way to go about it. And no, I dont feel 13 is too young at all, it is probably about average. Youve got the money so go ahead and splurge on a few things you like the look of. Have fun with it and dont beat yourself up about the way you look!!!

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