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A lot of us have talked about our huge lipstick collections, and with the passing of another National Lipstick Day, I took stock of mine. I have about 200 lipsticks and glosses and realized, I only wear about 20 of them! So I'm challenging myself (and whoever else wants to join) to use more of them. I'm going to try to wear a different lipstick every day for the next 100 days.
Oh my goodness, @sprocketta,you are not kidding. I had to save up chore money just to pay for what I hoped would be ONE good photo out of 24! It was SO EXPENSIVE.
Ha, I wanted to learn to use the color enlarger just so I could develop my own color photos in a darkroom, instead of waiting for days to get my prints developed. I did get to develop a couple of my own color shots. It made me appreciate the b&w enlarger a lot more. 😄 Nothing ever made me appreciate developing my own negatives, though. To this day, I grumble a bit whenever someone mentions hand-reeling photo negatives. Those were the days...
In addition to angles, play with distance. A lot of my selfies are closeups because my arms aren’t very long. (The joy of being a short person.) But sometimes those close shots are the ones I like best. Other times, not so much. You can also do fun things like playing with light and shadow outdoors on a sunny afternoon. Just don’t get frustrated, and remember that you’re your worst critic. (I have to remind myself of that often.)
Omg! Winding film onto those metal wire reels in the dark, hoping you got them on there without the film touching each other. The stuff of college nightmares @WinglessOne
I regale young designers with how we used to spec type for jobs back in the day. Oh the misery. No "It doesn't fit? Just knock it down a point size on the computer." Nope, counting all the characters in a piece of copy was a little slice of hell. And expensive if you got it wrong because the typesetter would have to do it all over again. I'm getting heart palpitations just thinking about it!
@jozkid I like to tell young designers “oh, you think kerning is a pain now? You have no idea!”
As much as I like our digital advances, I do miss—and refuse to let go of—some analog things. I really miss working in the darkroom (except reeling negatives). I don’t miss the old typesetting days, though. 😄
Kerning is a pain now? @WinglessOne
Heaven knows it used to be!
I have to admit, I kind of hated photography classes. The creative part was OK, but I don't miss fussing with all the chemicals and praying no one turned on a light in the darkroom. I am still old school when it comes to doing illustrations, though. I like all the different traditional media.
Hi @sprocketta,this is a nice shiny red on you 🙂 As for selfies, you look good. I think its more about the angle of the camera and I was told to keep your hands, I mean camera, at the level of your eye. The lens can kind of distort if it's not angeled a certain a way, it depends on type of lens you have.
Hope this helps 🙂
Thanks for the tip @Buootiful Hopefully I can improve with this suggestion!
That’s a lovely color on you @sprocketta
I’m no selfie pro, but I’ve found if you hold the camera from above, aiming down at your face, photos tend to be more flattering. And at least for me (since my face is actually a smudge crooked), I look better slightly from the side than straight on. And trust me when I tell you I take LOTS before I post one 😉
@jozkid I'll try that. I think I need to be a pretzel to move into all the angles I need to get a good photo.
Once you mess around and get a couple you like, you'll remember where you should be holding the camera. Muscle memory. Also, soft, even lighting helps. I take mine in the morning in front of a west-facing window with a sheer curtain that helps diffuse the light a little.
Ahhh, yes, @sprocketta, anytime I *do* take a selfie I delete it. Somehow I don’t think I look like how I appear in them🤔. No pointers here, just letting you know that’s a great summer lip! Reminds me of Chanel’s ‘Mademoiselle’ coral a few years ago💄-bright and bold!
@eshoe Thanks! Any time I take one, then look at the picture, I'm thinking, "Gah! How did that happen?!" Deleing photo ensues.
Not just another red @sprocketta; another BEAUTIFUL red on you! Great, bold and lovely pop of color❣️
Thanks @itsfi You are a doll. I like this one, though the applicator is not great. It's got good pigment for a gloss so I keep it.
Took a few days away from BIC due to my life exploding, but I kept to the challenge for the most part. I'm so excited to see more people are in on the challenge! I've already been tempted to repeat a color, but I'm trying to stay strong. Anyway, here is what I wore the last few days:
Day 8: Bite High Pigment Pencil in Corvina
I had to take my cat to the vet for an emergency appointment. She developed a pretty intense limp, and I wanted to make sure she didn't break a bone or anything (she didn't but we're not sure what's causing it). My boyfriend and I went straight from the vet to him dropping me off at work. I was lucky I had Corvina in my makeup bag. I should probably put a different lipstick in there for situations like this, or if I forget to grab one for the day on my way out of the house. I really love this color. Some people don't like the way these wear, but I don't mind it. It's not too drying and stays pretty well. This one leaves a little stain, which I don't mind.
Day 9: MUFE Rouge Artist Intense in #36
This is the lipstick that began my love affair with lipsticks to begin with. It's the only one I've ever purchased a backup of, I love it that much. I'm sad they discontinued this line/color. It stays really well; it leaves a beautiful stain; it's comfortable. I would seriously wear this for the rest of my life if I only had one to choose. It doesn't show well in this photo, but it is such a beautiful hot pink.
Day 10: Smashbox Be Legendary Lipstick in Fig
This is pretty glossy for a lipstick so the wear-time isn't amazing, but I like how juicy it looks.
Day 11: Sephora Collection LipStories in #21 Pineapple Express
This is a really pretty purple-y rose color that is really comfortable to wear. I would definitely get more of the #lipstories lipsticks if I found the colors more unique. I just feel like I have a lot of the colors in my collection already.
Sorry for the spam of days, but I have a feeling as the challenge goes on, I may have trouble posting daily. I'll try to be good about it though1
I love Fig and Corvina on you! @snoflakefaerie. I had to return Corvina, it was not what I was looking for as a lip crayon but the color was sooo good. I thought it was going to be matte but it was so glossy. Glad you could put it to use 🙂
I hope your cat is a lot better now, too 🙂
@snoflakefaerie All of these are lovely. Especially Fig. Pineapple Express is vibrant and brightens you up. Also I am totally struggling today not to repeat a color because of the outfit I'm wearing and what goes with it.
Sorry to hear about your cat. Hopefully he/she's okay.
Smashbox fig is so nice on you, @snoflakefaerie, but I hear you on the wear time with satins-it gets annoying having to reapply every hour🙄
@eshoe yeah, I tend to go for satins that leave a stain because I don't have time to reapply at work very often.
@eshoe I will always put up with the shorter wear time on the satins. Not a matte fan. My only exceptions are now the Pat McGrath matte trance lipsticks which I discovered are amazing and the Huda liquid lipstick in Trophy Wife. Otherwise, no thanks!