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Post in Customer Support

Edit a review

Hi is there a way for me to edit a review? I needed to include more information. Thank you. 

Product: Fenty The Maintenance Crew Universal Hair Start’r

Re: Edit a review

@minamina112 There isn't a way to edit your review. If you'd prefer, we can remove it so you can resubmit it with the additional information. 

Re: Edit a review

If you could remove it so I can repost that would be great. In the future will you have the option to edit posts? Thanks. 

Re: Edit a review

@minamina112 I have removed it for you and it should come down from our site within 24 hours. I'm not aware of any plans to add that function. 

Re: Edit a review



I also need to make a change to a recent review I left. Can you please remove it?


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