Here with a hair update I have been using the Together Beauty Gratis for 3 weeks now. These are my current standings on the products:
-Love Lather Moisture Shampoo- Now this shampoo is awesome at cleaning my hair without stripping the moisture out completely. Now I have been using this shampoo in unison with my dandruff shampoo because I tend to have a very oily and dandruff prone scalp. I tried using the shampoo by itself but sadly it wasn't strong enough for me to use by itself. That being said I still like the shampoo it cleans and adds moisture back into hair when using my dandruff shampoo. I would recommend this to people who don't have a dandruff/oil prone scalp for sure! So currently would rate this product a 3.5 out of 5 its a good shampoo but for me I still have to use another shampoo with it.
-Crown + Glory Smoothing Mask - This product is by far one of my favorites! I have multiple uses for it and it helps with my ends and makes my hair feel less dry and damaged. I use this mask as a leave in conditioner mask which works wonders on my split ends! I also use this as a in shower conditioner/ mask, this helps my hair feel great after the shower! Makes sure it isn't dry and definitely improved the texture and shine of my hair. I even have already bought more of this product. So I would recommend this to anyone that wants a multi use conditioner! I would overall rate this a 5 out of 5 because it helped so much.
-Whatever Wherever Leave-In Conditioner- This was another front runner for me! I am in love with this spray its a necessity to my hair routine now. I use it on the off days when I don't wash my hair and it gives it that boost of moisture and shine. I also use it after I wash my hair to give me a boost of moisture before I add my curl product and dry it. The nice thing about this product is it lasts for awhile! I use this product on the daily and I still have over half of it left so it lasts a good amount of time! Definitely would recommend this to anyone that needs a new product for their hair routine its a great product to try! I definitely would give this product a 5 out of 5!
-Flower Supply Hair Oil- The hair oil I have been experimenting with, its a product that overall I have been learning to use. I currently add it to my curling foam and it works great in unison with that! Helps add some shine and moisture to my hair and makes sure my curls aren't stiff or tacky. I tried using this product by itself and it added to much oil to my hair and made it so I had to wash it more often. I am going to try and use this as a shine and moisture oil mask and see if that helps my hair. I'll give you an update on that! I'm going to withhold my rating on this product till I have tried other methods of using it.
@Jordyn520 wrote:
I am so excited to be one chosen to try the gratis hair box! Inside the box comes:
TOGETHER BEAUTY - Love Lather Moisture Shampoo
TOGETHER BEAUTY - Whatever Wherever Leave-In Conditioner
TOGETHER BEAUTY - Crown + Glory Smoothing Mask
TOGETHER BEAUTY - Flower Supply Hair Oil
Not only are all of these products vegan and cruelty free but the box it comes in is recyclable or reusable! And the bottles/container are recyclable! As someone who only uses cruelty free/vegan products and is working on being more eco-friendly this is awesome!
Now to my hair status I have thick curly dark hair that has been colored so it tends to get dry, I also work with animals so it gets dirty too. My scalp tends to be super oily and dandruff prone so I have to use strong shampoos these can be drying on the rest of my hair but they keep my scalp from being itchy.
Currently I have been using these products for a week so I will list my thoughts on them and update them as I continue using them 🙂 any questions just leave in the replies!
-Love Lather Moisture Shampoo- I use this shampoo in unison with my dandruff shampoo and it works well. Left my hair and scalp feeling moisturized. As someone who has oily scalp I wouldn't use this shampoo alone. It is very meant to moisturize a lot so using it after my other shampoo brought some moisture back and gave my scalp a nice clean feel.
-Crown+ Glory Mask- Now I use this as a conditioner mask in the shower. It works wonders on my dry hair and keeps it moisturized after using my dandruff shampoo. Using it for the past week has helped keep my hair from being dry throughout the week. It definitely has helped with my split ends it seems my end have been becoming less knotted.
-Whatever Whenever Leave in Conditioner- This has been so helpful! The combo of this and the Mask have made my dry hair problems almost non existent. I put it on after I shower and on days I don't shower. It has literally saved my ends! They've become less dry and knotted during the week and the spray keeps my hair moisturized without adding any oiliness.
- Flower Supply Hair Oil- This product I'm still learning to use. Right now the best use for me is to mix it with my curling mousse/foam. This makes it so my hair doesn't get to tacky or sticky. It also adds a nice shine to my hair! I personally tried using the oil by itself and wasn't a fan cause it made my hair too oily so mixing it has been best for me!