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Post in Best Hair Ever
Anonymous Insider

I'm 'holding' out for a hero..

Excuse the pun... but I have pretty thick, 2+ foot long, not quite wavy not quite straight hair. I have been trying to style it for years and it just won't hold anything. If I straighten my hair it won't last more than an hour. If I curl my hair I won't get twenty minutes out of it. I've tried products that promise hold before, but none have worked. Do you amazing people have any suggestions for products that might?

Thank you!

Re: I'm 'holding' out for a hero..

I used to have this problem before I shaved all mine off haha! If you're really looking for something that'll stay, you could look into keratin straightening treatments or hair perming. I have had mine permed for the past six months and love it, but there has been a little damaged (it's been about two years since I had my head shaved so my hair is thick and a little longer than shoulder now)

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