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Post in Best Hair Ever

Hair feels waxy after washing !

HELP !  This has been going on for the past 5 or so months now and I have tried EVERYTHING !  After washing/conditioning

the back of my hair feels waxy ! The texture is awful and it looks even worse ! It is always in the very back of my hair .

I have tried the following --  Clarifying shampoos--clay masks--charcoal scalp treatments--apple cider vinegar--I even changed my shower head to reduce hard water !  I rinse thoroughly and use conditioner only on my ends . I don't use a towel to dry my hair and I have a silk pillow case. I use an un-brush so there is no build up in my brush head.  

I shampoo every other day . I have tried to go longer but it looks worse if I do.

ALL suggestions are welcome !



Re: Hair feels waxy after washing !


Does this happen only when you wash your hair at your house? For example, if you get your hair done at the salon, does it feel this way when you leave the salon? 

Re: Hair feels waxy after washing !

This has happened twice to me. First time was a few years ago and, like you, I tried everything. I especially used vinegar and baking soda and eventually it went away. Not sure if that did it or not. Anyway its back again 😞

Re: Hair feels waxy after washing !

@Stepniest This happens to me if I use sulfate-free shampoo.

Re: Hair feels waxy after washing !

@Stepniest  Hmmm I find my hair does this when I don’t rinse the conditioner out enough. And sometimes it happens with I use a product that is to much on my fine thin hair. Have you asked your hairdresser? 

Re: Hair feels waxy after washing !

That is my next stop ! LoL

I just hate spending more money on another product that doesn't help . And why is my hair just now doing this !


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