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What's on your plate?

Hello there, ladies and gents!


Keeping in line with all the fun and interactive threads asking about your most recent halls, items you have your eyes on, what you're currently wearing, what's your hair routine, and more, I've decide to branch out and ask:


"What's on your plate?"


The beauty world doesn't just stop at skin care and cosmetics, it also goes hand in hand with your overall health and well-being, so with that, I'm curious to see what we're all chowing down and snacking on be it for breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, or inbetween!


For those with apps that help count calories or to those who just want to keep a log, here's a place to share, possibly find and share some recipes, and even tips on maintaining a balanced diet.


Don't just share food items, but even drinks! I'm a huge fan of tea and at least have a cup of green tea a day (anti-oxidants) and drink plenty of water.


For lunch today, I had:


-Brown rice

-Steamed egg

-Steamed red snapper with green onion, sesame oil, and black pepper

-Gai lan (it's a type of Chinese vegetable/greens)


Now, tell me, Beauty Talk world, what do you have? 😄

Re: What's on your plate?

Go home, iPad, you're drunk!

Re: What's on your plate?

If you get a knock on the door tonight, don't worry, it's just me with an empty bowl! 😛

Anonymous Insider

Re: What's on your plate?

It makes a very large amount, so I've ghost no problems with that!

Re: What's on your plate?

Yessssss....hey everyone, dinner tonight at MoreGun's place!!!!! haha!

Re: What's on your plate?

LOL that's great!  I'm gonna invite a few friends, hope she doesn mind!  hahaha

Re: What's on your plate?

argh i'm sooooo hungry and Italian sausage stew sounds AMAAAAAAZING!!!!  I actually came here to post that I did Cantonese-style steamed spare ribs yesterday, just like lylysa posted a few weeks ago!  yummmmmmmm.  It's been forever since I actually cooked something like that!

Re: What's on your plate?

Oooo, good to hear they turned out yummy!

Anonymous Insider

Re: What's on your plate?

Lol the best compliment is someone getting seconds!  And those ribs sound positively mouth watering!

Re: What's on your plate?

They are! And because you cook them at a lower heat, the meat gets tender and stays juicy!

Anonymous Insider

Re: What's on your plate?

Best thing of all: most Mexican food is gluten free!

Re: What's on your plate?


Anonymous Insider

Re: What's on your plate?

Lanndan and I went out last night to our favorite Mexican food place with a couple of friends.  I LOVE El Charolais!!!!  I ordered one of the combination meals: 2 hard shell tacos, rice, and an enchilada.  I love their rice, which is a good thing since I have to limit my gluten. 

Re: What's on your plate?

❤️ me some Mexican food! Flautas are my favorite though!

Anonymous Insider

Re: What's on your plate?

Tamales all the way for me, and the place that makes decent ones in town (so that I don't need to make them myself) and not to mention fountain Mexi-Coke, opened for their season the other day!  Definitely getting a tamale today ^.^  

Re: What's on your plate?

TAMALES! omg omg omg. I looooooooove tamales back when I lived in TX, but now I'm up north, the only "Mexican food" up here are tacos and burritos. Oh, and tortilla chips/salsa/guac. Tamales are nonexistent. T.T


Ah deer meat, there's this really oddball guy friend I had in HS and his family hunts, so he bring deer meat jerky to school sometimes and I love it.


Ok, time for lunch.

Re: What's on your plate?

Yum! What kind of tamales are there at the place?

Anonymous Insider

Re: What's on your plate?

Only pork and chicken chili, but the chicken chili are the best and delightfully zesty, the bonus (and the thing that makes them stand out to me besides the flavor) is the fact that they serve it in husk 😄  I've been working on a copycat for their chicken ones, still haven't quite achieved it, but I've gotten close!

Re: What's on your plate?

Ooo, the chicken chili sounds super interesting! My b/f's mom gave us homemade deer meat tamales but his freezer went out and we didn't know so we couldn't save them 😞

Anonymous Insider

Re: What's on your plate?

Saaad, deer meat is one of the best meats!  They mae the best burgers too, just mix in a package of the golden onion Lipton recipe secrets per pound, add some avocado and voila!  Best. Burgers. EVER. 😄

Re: What's on your plate?

I love the flavor of onion (not keen about having actual onions on my burger though, I'm strange) and I bet the avocado makes it very moist and creamy in texture!

Anonymous Insider

Re: What's on your plate?

I should probably also clarify that the avocado is placed on top of the finished patty, if moisture (in place of fat) needs to be added, a small amount of tomato juice or apple cider vinegar will do the trick 🙂

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