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The other thread was getting too long and difficult to load!
So what are your beauty pet peeves? What grinds your gears? Share your stories!!!
Aw yeah, I can relate to this. My boyfriend likes to make awkward comments as well. Like loudly mocking the photos at the displays. -__- Once I bought a couple of eyeshadow brushes and when the cashier said the total he said something like "what are they made of?! Gold?!"
He seems to feed off the dirty looks the SAs shoot his way. One of these days they're gonna kick us out! 😄
LOL! My BF makes lame embarrassing comments about products; or will sing to the music playing, dance, or do some other weird thing to ensure the trip is short.... 😄
Going in for a makeover and I keep getting tips on how to cover up my freckles and how to fake a crease on my monolid eyes. I like em fine, thank you very much!
Well...f...my purse was stolen tonight at work. I lost credit cards, id. But also Nars Anita and Rikugien! My favourite nude lips. I'm so peeved at everything right now!
That's so awful! On the bright side, it's very bad karma for the thief!
Security found it! All is well! Why people move stuff is beyond me. I know they were probably trying to help but at least tell someone.
Oh no! 😞
All is well. Everything was still in it! Happy days, just annoyed I had to cancel my card.
Woohoo! Great news!!!! 🙂
I hope you personal property insurance and able to cover your lost makeup! And, other stuff. Sorry for your loss
I was looking into that last night and was about to go to insurance office this morning, but has been found 🙂
Good News! I'm so glad this turned out well for you! I know how awful it feels to have your purse taken.
After I had my car broken into and my purse stolen, I called my insurance. I had, let's say, a $250 deductible, so I said, "Never mind, then. " (My loss was slightly less than that.) Then G--co raised my rates for making a claim that they didn't pay anything on and that I cancelled.
So, you have be very careful about calling your insurance if you have any deductibles!
Here's a peeve of mine. I'm not the richest girl, my paycheck biweekly ranges in the 400s and I try to save up for makeup and the rest go to bills I have to pay , car expenses, cat food etc. I have an emergency card for my kitty only which is loaded but not that loaded (it's under 500 but at least it's enough to cover some bills if it comes to that).
I don't buy as frequently as I used to of course and mainly spend money on Kat von D products - ANYWAY. Here's the peeve part.
My mom went to a vacation she needed badly about... a month and a half ago, I think she went to puerto vallarta in mexico. Aside from getting annoyed that they threw away her Murad toner, her jack black sunscreen stolen from one of the teenage girls in the trip.. that's not what got me the most. What got to me is that my cousin told my mom in the trip that the makeup I use is extremely expensive, as if to catch my mom unaware or something.. Like, why would she bring that up on a trip? Anyway, she just went on to say that where am I getting the money, stuff is too expensive for me to have, etc. The way my mom said it, my cousin repeated in a way that made me think she wanted to alert my mom, probably told her I might be stealing money from her. As one of the two black sheep in the family, I'm not looked at in a friendly way , even though I help my mom with everything, for some reason me dressing in black , etc, makes me an automatic target.
Yes, I do use my jcpenney card, and sometimes paypal which I know I shouldn't but sometimes the love of makeup is greater - ugh. I'm trying to be good?
The thing is, why did she have to lowball me like that? It's something I love and makes me happy and it sucks that they have to go behind my back and telling my mom things.
thanks guys, sorry for not responding sooner, now that i'm doing better with my medication i'm much more active around the house , busy bee over here! what grinds my gears is that she's rich and lives where i want to live (california) lol, so i don't know why she felt the need to point out to my mom that what i have is "super expensive" in such a "concerned" tone. of course my mom hates that i spend money there but also tells me i should seek out a job related to makeup "go to sephora" i've applied and have friends in my local sephora but no dice. 😞
You can't control other people's bad behavior. Even if you live your life so you have nothing to be ashamed of, someone will always criticize you for something. Ignore your cousin like you would any other hater. Your mom knows what a good daughter you are, you were there for her when she was in the hospital and help out tons around the house. What you spend your money on is no business of anyone else's. (I suspect your mom knows that you spend your money on makeup, so it was no surprise and I bet Mom is a smart cookie and knows your cousin is a jerk).
@Blackwhiskey fellow blacksheep here! In my experience there is no rhyme or reason to what is said, the INTENT is always to undermine and ensure that YOU stay the blacksheep so that THEIR behavior is not questioned. In every family there is the blacksheep, the golden child, the servant, etc.
Professional guidance helped get me over some of the deepest cuts, and something I was told rang so true: "if you bend over backwards and sacrifice your own self time and time again to give your family what they want, why does it come as a surprise that they will react negatively when you stop?"
I have never made a dollar that was anyone else' business how I spent. Mine.
I had to cut off my family to extract myself from that drama; I feel your pain.
Wise words from @Insomniacmuffin. @Blackwhiskey, I'm sorry to hear that your cousin was talking about you to your mom. Sometimes people have to gossip about others to make themselves feel better I guess.
I have a younger sister that makes comments about some of the products I use. I've stopped talking to her about my shopping trips. Thankfully I live on my own so she isn't aware of what I do with my time or money. Unfortunately we can't chose our family lol.
Keep your chin up, doll! You have done nothing wrong and I agree with @tsavorite that maybe your cousin is jealous....Try not to let it get to you.
Luckily it's your cousin who is petty and wrong, and not you! If it was you, then you would have a problem, but it's not you. It's your cousin who has a problem! Often when people act like this, it's because they are jealous or have some kind of grudge. This isn't good, but, again, it's your cousin who has a problem, not you.
Hold your head up high and treat them with Indifference. You know who you are and what they think is their problem. They aren't happy inside. Anyway you have talent and you will succeed if you put your mind to it. Just keep thinking positive and shake their dust off of your heels.
You have every right to be ticked off @Blackwhiskey! That is not cool, and none of their business to begin with. I'm the black sheep in my family as well, so I can relate to the snide remarks and negative assumptions about a life they know absolutely nothing about. How you spend your money is your business. Some people will do whatever they can to bring you down. Try not to let it bother you ❤️ Don't give them the satisfaction.