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Beauty Pet Peeves 2

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So what are your beauty pet peeves? What grinds your gears? Share your stories!!!

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

Oh No @Indy701 , sorry about those mascaras. Perhaps Nordstrom will give you a replacement. My two Ulta orders were placed to take advantage of the Beauty Break and the Skintuative promos last week. My Talbots order just arrived at Fed Ex this morning with an ETA of Friday.

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@Loretta55  That does seem like a while for Ulta. Hopefully you get it soon.  

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

I received both shipping notices within 24 hours of placing both Ulta orders @Indy701. Hopefully it will update soon.

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

Update, tracking of my Ulta orders never updated but both of my orders arrived yesterday afternoon. Both orders shipped from the Indianapolis warehouse. Thankfully both orders arrived intact.

Thanks for the scare Ulta!

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

I’ve really enjoyed being an active participant in the Lucky Bags this year, but I’m getting major fomo on items I was interested in but never bought, didn’t receive on my own bag, but am seeing it in others! I’ve been able to make a couple trades, but am striking out trying to grab some others I’ve had my eye on. Mainly Norvina and Jouer! I’ll probably just buy a few things eventually haha. 

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@alexasteph I didn’t get one but I’m looking and thinking if I got the perfect mix I would have loved it. 😂 Someone posted in the deals too good thread about Jouer’s 50% off sale. None of the lucky items seem to be included but I did get a lip set for a great price. 

I know this post was a while ago...hopefully you will see...

I know this post was a while ago...hopefully you will see it...what's "lucky bags" and where and when can you get them?!

Re: I know this post was a while ago...hopefully you will see...

@Justjamey Lucky bags are mystery bags that beautylish puts out every year at the holidays to get rid of old stock.  You usually pay $70-$150 depending on which bag you choose and they contain well over $300 worth of product.

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

Beauty pet peeve because of story but general pet peeve - people's lack of common sense.


I'll preface by saying I will use Sephora testers but sometimes I wonder if I should. I had a work dinner so instead of going home and driving back over to the other side of town I decided to swing by the mall.

Image result for let's go to the mall gif

I stop into Sephora to browse around. I'm walking down the main aisle and see a girl in the Fenty section using the gloss on her lips. Like straight from the tube, no applicator. But no, it gets better. She then proceeds to wipe the applicator attached to the product over her hand several times. I don't understand why. It wasn't for a swatch. It looked as if she was trying to "clean" it off on her hand. An employee then walks past me. I probably have the "what did I just witness" look and asks if she can help me find a product to which I mumble "No, I'm just browsing."


So hindsight, should I have said something to the employee? Should I have tried to stop the customer once I realized what she was doing? Why should I even be worrying about this? It isn't some special beauty etiquette you need to should be COMMON SENSE.

I think globally we all have different levels of comfort...

I think globally we all have different levels of comfort with germs and sharing, and in the US we are particularly sensitive to this sort of thing. I had my makeup done at Sephora in Paris and the artists didn't use disposable applicators; they applied everything to me directly from the products, including mascara without cleaning or disinfecting the wand. I was a little shocked initially, but after looking around I realized there weren't disposable applicators around, just tissue and cotton. I adjusted to their normal. Although I do think you could say that if it is a cultural thing, they should make themselves aware of our norms here and adapt.

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@ShortErica ... your peeve makes me think about something I saw earlier this week.  I was at TJMaxx and saw a woman (early 20's) and her mother shopping around the beauty area.  As I made my way around the area I saw her opening a few boxes, no big deal, I get wanting to make sure that something you're looking at hasn't been opened or used. Then I notice her swatching a too faced bronzer and showing it to her mother saying she doesn't want it but it does look pretty.  Then the same happened to a KVD metal crush and she started talking about not being into MAC anymore as she started swatching a MAC palette.   Like WTH? I wonder if I should have said anything as I stood there and stared with a dumbfound look on my face.  Like other people don't want your fingers in something they want to buy!

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

That is horrible that someone would intentionally use and ruin a product for someone else they had no wish to buy @missjeanie. Why do these people think they are so much more important than the rest of us and they can just do what they want? So gross. I think I might have to become "the annoying old lady" @WinglessOne claims she is and speak up when I see this happen again. It's sad that I have to say "when" and not "if."

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@missjeanie, people used to do this at Winners so now everything is locked up in boxes!

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@pocketvenus YES!  I love it when they do this... It means I have to find a cell signal and look up colours but I'd much rather this so that I know the products are getting abused.  Both the Winners and TJMaxx that I frequent use the boxes on some items, TJ Maxx used to actually put higher end make up in the jewelry display cases.  Unfortunately not everything gets the clear boxes 😞

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

Wow @missjeanie ! Some people are so inconsiderate. I would be so mad if I bought something and got it home and it was used like that. Since I live an hour away from most stores I check to see if there is a seal on things. And for the store if they know then they have a product they can’t sell. Adults should know better!

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@faeriegirl I actually only live about 15 minutes from both TJ Maxx and Winners and I check to make sure there's a seal, that I saw them bringing them out of the stock room, or that they come in those plastic boxes to make sure I'm not getting a used product either.  You're right... adults should know better.

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@missjeanie , I've seen that so often that I don't go to TJMaxx or Marshall's anymore.  People that do this have no consideration for other people in any area of their life, not just in this area. I'll give a 13 year old a pass because 13 year olds will mature as they get older.  But if you'd said something to the adult, she'd still see nothing wrong with what she did.  She'd just tell you that there's something wrong with you. 

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@curlychiquita this was the first time I'd ever actually seen it happen.  I know it happens as I often pass on nice products since they aren't sealed and I can often see how much swatching/damage was done. I just couldn't come up with a tactful way to say that they were being gross.  And all of the products they swatched... not a one purchased.  Looking back maybe I should have grabbed an employee.  I always assumed that it was young teenagers doing this.  To see two full grown adults, I was shocked.  I think you're right though.  Nothing that I could have said to them would have changed their minds from thinking this was ok.  

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@ShortErica  Ick!  That is the very reason why I always use an applicator and if it is something like lip gloss, blush, etc. I will spray it with rubbing alcohol first.  Though to be honest, if I saw that I would steer clear no matter how much I wanted to try it.  

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@MCSSavvy I really was just walking past and couldn’t help but stare. But witnessing that will make me double think trying products in the future.

Some people lack common sense. I have a cough *sister-in-...

Some people lack common sense. I have a cough *sister-in-law* cough who will use my stuff lip gloss, lip stick, brushes, you name it she dont care. I do! 🤬 I hide my stuff when I have to go on vacation with her & even everyday. And she does ask, 'sonnydee, do you have gloss?' Nope. as I tighten my grip on my clutch!💋@ShortErica sorry vent over..
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