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Post in Oh, Canada!

Does Sephora increase prices before a Rouge Sale?

Wtf!! Prices went up! The price for Killian perfume went up more than 35% and just noticed Make up by Mario foundation went up 44%. And just to confirm I am not looking at US prices, these are Canadian prices. Is this what Sephora does before a rouge sale?

Re: Does Sephora increase prices before a Rouge Sale?

File a complaint with the Competition Bureau of Canada.  That's actually illegal in Canada and false advertising.




I'm starting to think that the only way the North American head office is going to take us seriously is if we get the Federal government to start breathing down their necks.


Re: Does Sephora increase prices before a Rouge Sale?

Yes! I had a bunch of Sephora collection items in my cart before that I knew the price of as I was ordering for a bachelorette and then went back the next day and it was up from $4 to $5.50. Really annoying!!

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