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Pet Paradise

Show off pics of your pets, tell stories, anything you want to share about those special animals in your life 🙂 Post as much and as often as you want!

Here are are my fluff babies DJ and Gunner (also called Lulu or Lou). They are mother and daughter. DJ is my baby and Gunner is a daddy's girl. They are approximately 9 years old and very spoiled!

This is DJ. She loves to be near me.

Miss Gunner Lou loves her catnip carrot


Re: Pet Paradise

@jozkid Ernie is a boss 🙂 Look at that lounging focus! 

Re: Pet Paradise

@MissPuff He gets away with a whole lot. My boys are crazy about him!

Re: Pet Paradise


Ernie is such a handsome boy!  I love his markings, especially the white around his eyes!

I'm glad that he's so healthy now!  🙂

Re: Pet Paradise

Thank you @tsavorite. We seem to have the food  thing down now and he just got tested again for worms yesterday and he’s all clear. So no more diarrhea or vomiting. Yay!  


Unfortunately he has developed some minor thinning patches on his sides from grooming. The vet says he may be stressed. (I can’t imagine from what because we all fall all over him. He’s quite spoiled). Keeping an eye on it for now. The vet said it could be an immunity thing for him too since his system was all out of whack from the worm infestation. Poor Ernie. 😞

Re: Pet Paradise


Was he on steroids?  Steroids can cause that thinning.

Re: Pet Paradise

Nope, no steroids. The thinning is in small areas without any defined borders, so the vet is pretty certain its from over grooming. It's just a matter of figuring out why he's doing it @tsavorite

RE: Re: Pet Paradise

He looks like my cat trouble!

Re: RE: Re: Pet Paradise

He does @lidovicky! Except Trouble has much longer hair.

Re: RE: Re: Pet Paradise


Trouble is such a good name for a cat!  🙂

Re: Pet Paradise

Ernie is sooo gorgeous @jozkid ! He must be a pampered little fellow! 😉

Re: Pet Paradise

Omg @keana1... SO pampered!

Re: Pet Paradise

@jozkid  Oh, Ernie has grown into such a handsome fellow!! They really become one of the family!! Thanks for sharing!!😊🐱

Re: Pet Paradise

@yankeefaithful They sure do. One of my twins was kind of meh on getting a cat. Now he’s Ernie’s biggest fan. 

Anonymous Insider

Pet Paradise

my baby is a chihuahua! her name is Jorgen Von Java, but we call her Java for short. shes the sweetest chihuahua I've ever met, not territorial and very well socialized. she's been with me for 8 years now, and I love her more every day!

Re: Pet Paradise

Java is just too cute, @Anonymous!

Re: Pet Paradise

@AnonymousI didn't think sweet chihuahua's existed haha. She's a beauty!

Re: Pet Paradise


Java looks so sweet!  I'm glad that you two found each other!

Pet Paradise

I've got 3 cats and a dog but this is the story of my dog maru we adopted him at 1year and 3months old from his owner who neglected him. his owner didn't feed him, take him out for walks and left him in a cage every day where he also relieved himself. He became 30% underweight and had bad diarrhea. when he stood up one of his legs was weaker and he got tired after walking a bit. when we brought him home his ribs, spine, and hip were showing. so we decided to give him the name maru (まる) meaning round in japanese hoping he would grow round and healthy. He was such a strong boy, he hardly rested now that he wasn't enclosed in a cage and must have been in a lot of stomach pain. when he relieved himself there would be blood in his stool and sometimes he would howl in pain. this is him now after 6 months with us, round, but not overweight and very happy!

Re: Pet Paradise

Hi @Plantcat,


Maru is so adorable. Glad to know he is being well taken care of now! 🙂


Warmest regards,


Re: Pet Paradise

What a sweetheart @Plantcat!

Re: Pet Paradise

What a cutie. I’m glad he found love after such a sad start.  

2 Replies