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Cleaning Products

I recently discovered an AMAZING cleaning product, called Better Life Tub and Tile Cleaner. For various reasons, like real life (LOL), my tub and shower enclosure was in dire need of cleaning, but nothing seemed to really dent the soap scum and mineral build-up. But this stuff works magnificently. I'm not a fan of the mild fragrance, but it's not strong and it doesn't reek of chemicals. I can use this product without wearing gloves, too. If I were rating it on Sephora, I'd take off a star for the trigger, though - heavy pull, and it doesn't spray so much as spit out foamy globs. But the product works so well I can overlook that.


Anyhow, it occurred to me to wonder: would my fellow community members be interested in Sephora carrying a line of "Clean at Sephora" cleaning products, or equivalent? I found that tub cleaner by checking out a bunch of recommendations from an internet article (I also bought The Pink Stuff, but haven't tried it out yet). But it's difficult to find good products in the black hole of the internet.


Would you be interested? And if so (or even if not), do you have any favourite "clean" products that you'd recommend?

Re: Cleaning Products

@Westcoasty  I for one would definitely be interested if Sephora branched out into things like cleaning products! They already sell home fragrances, so why not home cleaners? My mom and I both prefer more natural, less harsh products whenever possible. I don't know all the specific products off the top of my head, but some good brands are Mrs Meyer's, Bon Ami, Seventh Generation, Method, Ecos, etc. I will mention the Better Life tub & tile cleaner to my mom - I know she has been looking for a good shower/tub cleaner!

Re: Cleaning Products

@caitbird  You're most welcome! I like Mrs. Meyer's and Method as well.The others I've heard of but haven't used.


I've recently discovered a Canadian company called The Bare Home, and I LOVE their stuff. The fragrance is lovely without being too strong, and doesn't make my fragrance sensitivities flare up. And their products work really well, I'm finding. I mean, their lemon tea tree spray cleaner actually makes me want to clean up dirty spots. WHO KNEW?! 😂

Re: Cleaning Products

It is always great to find out new cleaning products that can ease my house cleaning process. Thanks for the recommendation! The last one I found was found via the other company reviews . It also works well. Maybe someone will also find it helpful.

Re: Cleaning Products

Hige thanks for the recommendation!

Re: Cleaning Products

@Westcoasty Thank you for sharing, that seems like a very interesting product especially if it can tackle larger messes like that! I'm very intrigued... I totally would be interested in Sephora carrying green products such as household and cleaning items. Genuinely love how easy Sephora makes it for us to know exactly what we are getting out of a product with their badges such as "clean by Sephora". 


I personally still love and use my Mrs. Meyers cleaners. They are much more forgiving on the lungs (my partner has asthma and he can become easily irritated with harsh cleaning products) and they smell phenomenal. I won't lie there's some things I still reach for the chemicals for (particular when cleaning the bathroom) but I've been using Mrs Meyers for a little over 10 years now. I love how readily available they are at my local mainstream shops (Kroger, Meijer, etc.) and how they have seasonal scents that I enjoy dabbling in when I'm feeling festive. My mom runs a cleaning business and she swear by their all purpose cleaner for everyday things as well. 🙂

Re: Cleaning Products

@QueenMarceline  Yes, I like Mrs. Meyers too! The more alternatives I find to chemicals that make me feel ill or overwhelm my senses, the better I feel. Also, not at all incidentally, the more likely I am to do the actual cleaning. I always hated the reek of Dow's Scrubbing Bubbles, and having to wear gloves, and all the rest. But I think the Better Life tub cleaner works as well, if not better. I just wish they'd improve the trigger.


And yes, I like the "clean by Sephora" items as well. It's not a silver bullet, of course, but it helps. That's why I thought maybe cleaning and household items might resonate with the BIC members.

Re: Cleaning Products

@Westcoasty Absolutely, and to be quite honest in most cases the harsher cleaners are not at all necessary for most every day cleaning uses. Actually dying to try the Mrs Meyers dish washer packs but I cannot find them locally any more. I have not tried the Better Life tub cleaner (but I might have to now because I still use Lysol which is super harsh especially when I get trigger happy). After I posted my initial reply I actually notice I have been using the Better Life glass cleaner for ages, not even sure how I got my hands on it initially but I used to have it as a subscription on Amazon's subscribe&save program and I'm really happy with the results! 

Re: Cleaning Products

@QueenMarceline  Good to know about the glass cleaner! I saw on Amazon that they have a bunch of other products, so I'm happy to hear that you think the glass cleaner is worth it. I'll have to try it next time I restock. Thanks for the tip!

Re: Cleaning Products

@Westcoasty Definitely give the glass cleaner a go and tell me how you like it 🙂

Re: Cleaning Products

@QueenMarceline   For sure I will!

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