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Post in Beauty Confidential

What are you wearing today?

Was asked to post an updated thread. Let's continue the fun shall we?


What are you wearing today?


1. nars sheer glow foundation, mont blanc

2. perricone md no bronzer bronzer

3. urban decay eyeshadow primer potion, original

4. too faced chocolate bar palette

5. benefit theyre real mascara

6. rimmel london stay matte powder, natural

7. benefit dallas

8. nars blush, sin

9. buxom full on lipstick, las vegas

Re: What are you wearing today?





  • NARS ADWLF?? Punjab
  • NARS RCC Ginger
  • YSL Touche Éclat 1.5
  • Besame Vanilla Brightening under eyes
  • NARS Light Reflecting Loose all over
  • Illamasqua Gel Sculpt set with Burberry Earthy
  • Sephora COTY Coral Blush
  • Pat McGrath SF003 Golden highlight stick + powder (no balm)
  • KVD Santa Sangre on lips
  • Mascara is a combo of some Japanese stuff + MJ Velvet

So, may I just rant for a second? Why is it that people feel the absolute need to talk to me so early in the morning when clearly I'm just trying to settle in and mind my own business. I'm sure I give all the proper "please don't chat with me" cues (without being rude), and I've worked here long enough that people already know my personality, but it's like they still want to torture me??? Especially today, I felt awful and sick Tuesday, called off yesterday, and now I'm back and you would think people would leave me alone since there is still a high chance I'm not feeling well, but no... Please, just let me be an introvert. I would love nothing more than if I could sit at my desk with my music quietly. If you want to talk I'm much more sociable after 11 am lol.

Re: What are you wearing today?

That sucks. Some people are just happy morning people and aren't aware enough to know when others just want some quiet time earlier in the day.


I hope you feel better soon. It may not be much consolation, but you really look fantastic!

Re: What are you wearing today?

you sound like me. xo (hope you're feeling better, you look gorgeous)

Re: What are you wearing today?

It's so frustrating haha. I am feeling a bit better, thank you jem Heart

Re: What are you wearing today?

SO much sympathy. Let's get "Please do not disturb the introvert" signs.


You look retro fabulous today!

Re: What are you wearing today?

I am this way as well, and am lucky enough to work in an office where most of my coworkers are too. I can do professional conversations first thing if I have to, but for the love of god don't make me make personal or small talk. Just ew. Even if I like you.


When I get to a point in my career where my job title supports this level of attitude, I'm going to get some sort of sign for my desk that says "If it's before 10am you'd better have coffee."

Re: What are you wearing today?

Agreed. This is my favourite coffee mug of all time and captures my feelings on the subject quite well:



Re: What are you wearing today?

Oh thank goodness, I just thought I was being moody and crazy but I'm glad someone else can relate haha. Thank you!!

Re: What are you wearing today?

I can definitely relate haha. Especially in the mornings. At one job my boss actually pulled me aside one day to advise me be more social. My only thought was ".....but why?"

Re: What are you wearing today?

Ugh, I had a boss that did something like that once too - I would ask questions when appropriate, make small talk occasionally, but I was an intern in a very small department with a strange mix of people and mostly just wanted to do my work.


He told me I was so quiet and needed to make more noise?! I was so confused, does he want me to sing or just make random noises? And then a week or two later he just lets out this loud noise, I don't even know how to describe it, like a loud, long yodel-yawn - I guess he did want me to make random noises.


One of my coworkers makes comments about how I don't like him because I don't talk to him, but he always insists on everyone sitting down in his office and what should be a 2-minute work conversation turns into this marathon chat about anything/everything.

Re: What are you wearing today?

see... I think it is mostly OLDER (dare I say white) men who are VERY concerned about how chatty or friendly a woman is or isn't. I have seen this scenario many times and they are usually the culprits.


They're the same ones telling women to smile on the streets. 😛

Re: What are you wearing today?

Oooh!  I hate when strange people (you're right, usually older men) tell me to smile or "be happy" when I'm just going about my day.  First of all, I'm not UNhappy; I'm just not hosting a talk show.  And either way, I'm not bothering you.  My mood is none of your business!

Re: What are you wearing today?

I've never been a morning person - and it's totally not a phase.


My mom used to have a h-e-ll of a time trying to get me out of bed for school.


These days, I'm running into my office building and trying to snag an elevator WITHOUT 5-6 extra loud, chatty people. It's TOO MUCH.

Re: What are you wearing today?


Re: What are you wearing today?

LAWLZZZZZ! Yep. this. all of this.

Re: What are you wearing today?

I will wait 5 extra minutes to ride an elevator alone haha

Re: What are you wearing today?

Thought i had forty minutes, actually had twenty. I might  redo this so the perfectionist in me is happy.


Stila One Step Correct
Too Faced Better Than Sex
TheBalm Put a lid on it
SugarPill Tako, buttercupcake, flamepoint, velocity
Milani Luminoso
NARS Audacious Juliette
Becca Pearl
UD Concealor CIA
UD Perversion Pencil Eyeliner
Physicians Formula Eyebooster Ultra Balck
Loracpro 2 nectar



Re: What are you wearing today?

Amazing eye look and that lip colour looks so so pretty on you!

Re: What are you wearing today?

What a superb colour combination! You are so talented.

Re: What are you wearing today?

This is one of the most interesting and well-executed "halo" eye looks I've ever seen.  It's an eye application I struggle with, but THIS I've got to try, especially since I adore orange.

Re: What are you wearing today?

So fun! With the eyeshadow colors you make me think of a beautiful tropical bird.

15 Replies