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Post in Beauty Confidential

Beauty Pet Peeves 2

The other thread was getting too long and difficult to load! 


So what are your beauty pet peeves? What grinds your gears? Share your stories!!!


Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@HazelEyedQueen - exactly! It isn't a conversation I like to just jump into with just anyone, it's almost like a form of politics. And even then, while I feel very strongly I don't expect people to sway because of how I feel and I would expect them to grant me the same decency. It's like people's stance on organic groceries. Is anyone really right? Is anyone really wrong? There's both sides to the argument and I can see both, but that doesn't invalidate my opinion. And I feel like it falls under that whole inclusive category. Like. We all have skin and it's all going to be different. Some artists are just more... likely to be prepared.

I find a lot of people look at very pale skin without act...

I find a lot of people look at very pale skin without actually grasping how light it is in makeup terms. The last time an artist did my face for a wedding, the photos showed me looking like an albino with a layer of nuclear bright makeup floating above my actual skin.

RE: I find a lot of people look at very pale skin without act...

X) that made me laugh

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

I took advantage of the flash 50% off on the Stila website the other night and my order didn't go through. They said it was an issue with my billing address but I think it's odd because it didn't flag anything and usually my address fills in automatically with my browser. I asked if they would let me try again and they said no 😞 is this the universe's way of telling me I didn't need it? So bummed.

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@makeitup305aw, that sucks 😞 The issue should've been flagged right away!

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@pocketvenus That's what I felt too 😞 I think it turned out for the best since I ended up buying the PMG eyeshadow set. I know they probably can't but I wish they'd let me order with the coupon once I contacted CS because there's no way I'm buying all I was picking up at full price. 

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@makeitup305hopefully the upcoming Sephora sale will make up for it!! 💸


Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@pocketvenus I have my Ulta 20% off coupon and I debated on them today but held back. Since most of the stuff I wanted is permanent I think I can wait. Maybe they'll have an awesome sale for Black Friday

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

A lot of websites will list "Beauty" as a sub category of the "Women" section. Really just rubs me the wrong way and seems pretty backwards in 2018. 

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

This bugs me too, @scott1201, partly because it’s silly (to me) to call beauty “grooming” for anyone who identifies as male. I mean, women “groom” too, and beauty applies across all gender IDs. 


Example: Sephora’s Gift Finder quiz. The very first question makes you choose yourself, male, female, or teen as the gift recipient. When you choose male and narrow down your price range, you get these gift categories to pick from: 


But what if he wants concealer?But what if he wants concealer?

If you avoid the quiz and just navigate through the genderized gift menu categories, you’ll find (as of today) 105 items for men vs. 999 items for women. Teens get 180 items, I guess because that category’s not split by gender. 


I pointed out the gift finder to someone last week, and she said “oh c’mon, most men don’t wear makeup!” 😐 I think some folks would be surprised to learn how many male-identifying people wear any combo of foundation, tinted moisturizer, concealer, color corrector, brow products, blush, mascara, etc. Besides, plenty of women don’t wear makeup at all, so... yeah. 


I dunno, I guess I expect Sephora to at least be a bit more up to speed than this. 

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

That's a great point, @WinglessOne. Even things like hairbrushes, etc, are gendered... *eye roll*

Beauty Pet Peeves 2

When you get an "Your order has shipped" email but tracking doesn't show it as picked up until 3 to 5 days later. 😧 That's just cruel! This just happened to me with my play box and my FF order still isn't moving. 😭

@lazybeautybeast my FF order got lost and should finally...

@Lazybeautybeast my FF order got lost and should finally deliver today. I had to contact customer service, you should too if it still isn't showing that's it's going anywhere.

Re: @lazybeautybeast my FF order got lost and should finally...

Thank you @Shelbstirr. I actually contacted one of the mods last Thursday and they got it to me on Monday! 

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

💻Those Spam.accounts that post on BIC in the early morning with links to weight loss/pleasure supplements 🚫 I marked all of them as Spam this soon as I did, literally 3 more would show up for every 1. 🤪🤬

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

@GG84 And they’re starting to post in the gallery now, where we can’t mark them as spam. 😡 Or if we can, I haven’t found a way to do it. 

YES!! I kept marking them as spam then the same post appe...

YES!! I kept marking them as spam then the same post appeared in another group.

Beauty Pet Peeves 2

Those \"beauty hack\" tutorials that are actually bad for your skin or dangerous; i.e., videos that tell people to use crayons in coconut oil for lipstick or eyeliner or baking soda as a mask. I can't understand why people share bad information like that without checking to make sure it's safe.

RE: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

Yes!!!! That gets on my last nerve, you got people out here giving themselves chemical burns because some beauty blogger promotes a DIY mask with cayenne pepper or some nonsense!

RE: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

I agree

Re: Beauty Pet Peeves 2

When your Natasha Denona Gold palette arrives and you open it to see one of the shadows has a huge crack in the side where you can see the pan. And you tilt the palette to look at it and the shadow completely falls out!!! Definitely not the quality I was expecting from this palette.E4B3206A-E385-4E21-97F1-D7392E4C0D38.jpeg






7 Replies