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Post in Beauty Confidential

Ever urgent dial-a-friend cos you needed beauty advice asap?

At this time of my life, when my friends text to say they need an opinion, I'm expecting questions on love/money/STDs. 


I LMFAOed when my friend asked me which brushes to get. And honestly, she's my gem of a friend that I text when I need to know which d*** lip colour suits me. 


Have you got girl/guy friends that will drop all to answer your beauty puzzles?



WhatsApp Image 2017-05-27 at 6.29.58 PM.jpeg

Re: Ever urgent dial-a-friend cos you needed beauty advice asap?

I'm so used to "talk" about beauty online on BT and in my blog, that I don't even know how to pronounce some of the words and was caught off guard last time, lol.


I was in Sephora shopping and a lady was commenting how I know/tried everything already and I was like "well, I'm a beauty/skincare blogger so..." and she was like "oh really? That is so cool! So what do you think about the new splash mask trend? and what do you do for dehydrated skin during summer?" and I was suddenly flustered because I take time to research/think before writing and now suddenly I have to talk in coherent/fluent sentences, lol. Fortunately now I'm more used to it. =P

Re: Ever urgent dial-a-friend cos you needed beauty advice asap?



That's true, I'm much more comfortable expressing myself via text. Find it hard to ad lib in a video or even explaining a product in person. 

...How did you get more used to it? 

Re: Ever urgent dial-a-friend cos you needed beauty advice asap?

Same as getting used to everything else, by practicing, lol. After talking for 5-10 minutes I was less flustered, and after talking to the 3rd SA about skincare ingredients I was finally able to be more fluent.


With that said, I still don't know how to pronounce hydroquinone without it spelled out in front of me (hydro...quin no? ne? none??). And is hyaluronic acid pronounced hi-yah-luronic or is one of the letters silent cuz English so it's ha-luronic? or maybe ah-luronic????


ps. That's also why I'm a blogger not a vlogger. I tried a vid post of explaining something, after 10 takes and like 2hrs of edits...... I realize it was only 3min. I can't imagine how long a normal 10-20min vlog post others do will take me, lol. I'll just stick to plain old writing. X.X

Re: Ever urgent dial-a-friend cos you needed beauty advice asap?

@ChicDabbler Don't feel bad... I'm not sure if Temptalia is "Tempt-alia" or "Temp-talia." 

Re: Ever urgent dial-a-friend cos you needed beauty advice asap?



i wonder if she lurks on BT... I'm always glad for her hard work on swatch comparisons. 

Re: Ever urgent dial-a-friend cos you needed beauty advice asap?



hydroquinone & hyaluronic. 

these words killed me. I immediately tried and failed to pronounce them and had to google how to say them. 😄


Re: Ever urgent dial-a-friend cos you needed beauty advice asap?

I love when friends ask me for beauty/makeup advice. I don't have many friends who are really into makeup, esp not INTO it like I am, so when they come to me for advice I get really psyched and hope to bring them into my world. 

Re: Ever urgent dial-a-friend cos you needed beauty advice asap?



I get the same kind of excitement and I love the keeping stashes of samples to see if something will suit my friends. Equally happy to be swapping stuff with my friends too.



Re: Ever urgent dial-a-friend cos you needed beauty advice asap?

I've actually had quite a few friends (both females and males!) come to me for advice. My lady friends will ask me anything really, and I'm a high school teacher so my students ask me a ton of questions. My guy friends typically have a skin care question here and there or are looking for cologne recommendations. Of everyone I know, I am the most in to this sort of thing, so I couldn't really go to anyone else for advice. I stick to a few trusted reviewers and blogs, and BT for info. 

Re: Ever urgent dial-a-friend cos you needed beauty advice asap?



wow! kudos to you for being the teacher that's approachable. 

Re: Ever urgent dial-a-friend cos you needed beauty advice asap?

 Nah, I just come to BT to ask 😄 


I'm the most into makeup and skincare out of all my friends, I'm usually the one giving advice. 

Re: Ever urgent dial-a-friend cos you needed beauty advice asap?

Yes, I was excited to find BT... I wonder how much time lurking in BT is too much time. 


Re: Ever urgent dial-a-friend cos you needed beauty advice asap?

@SpoiledRabbit - I have to ask, exactly how many texts do you get regarding STD's? 

Re: Ever urgent dial-a-friend cos you needed beauty advice asap?

Right @themusefactory @ZombieMetroAnt !! Can't say that comes up in my world... Did a double take when I first saw it on the main page!

Re: Ever urgent dial-a-friend cos you needed beauty advice asap?



Every other month, no kidding! Thank goodness my friends don't send along pictures when they ask. 😄

I used to work in sexual health sector, that's why I guess... 



Re: Ever urgent dial-a-friend cos you needed beauty advice asap?

@SpoiledRabbit That makes total sense, but I legit spit out of coffee when I read the "thank goodness they don't send pictures" hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! 

Re: Ever urgent dial-a-friend cos you needed beauty advice asap?

LOL @themusefactory you took the words right outta my mouth Cat LOL


Although someone could be an insurance agent and gets lots of inquires on Short Term Disability

Re: Ever urgent dial-a-friend cos you needed beauty advice asap?

@ZombieMetroAnt Someone had to ask, lol! 

Re: Ever urgent dial-a-friend cos you needed beauty advice asap?



Hmmm.... Come to think of it... STDs are sorta like a Short Term Disability... 

Pity the insurance over here does not cover them. 

Re: Ever urgent dial-a-friend cos you needed beauty advice asap? friends come to me!

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  • WhatsApp Image 2017-05-27 at 6.29.58 PM.jpeg